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Mar 16th 2021
At first, these historic photos coming to life were scary & uncanny. But I soon appreciated them as opportunities to further imagine history. Here are some of my favorite pinays and pinoys throughout history. We begin with Jose Rizal - national hero of the Philippines. #JoseRizal
Dr. Fe del Mundo was the first woman to study at Harvard Medical School. She opened the first children’s pediatric hospital in the Philippines, was first woman of Philippine Medical Association, & was the first woman to be named National Scientist of the Philippines #FeDelMundo
Larry Itliong led the Filipino American Farmworkers during the Delano Grape Strike of 1965. That movement with @DelanoManongs is known as one of the most successful labor movements in modern history. It was also a pivotal moment in #FilAmHistory and #AsianAmHistory #LarryItliong
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