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Jan 13th 2022

Fed Chair Powell signed Ethics Agreement last month requiring him to dump millions in muni bonds; failed to disclose EA to @SenateBanking at confirmation hearing; Biden gave nod despite Powell's own trading implicated in #FedScandal…
Bombshell: @OGE quietly released a Dec. 3, 2021 Ethics Agreement signed by Powell requiring him to divest _all_ muni bonds. The language misleadingly states this is due to the Fed's "new investment restrictions," but also references waiver or exemption under 18 U.S.C. § 208. /2
18 U.S.C. § 208 prohibits conflicted decision-making by gov't officials and applied to Fed Chair for decades. The muni bonds in Ex. A are the exact ones the press highlighted as questionable in connection with the Fed's ethics scandal that just brought down Vice Chair Clarida. /3
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