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Sep 26th 2022
WARNING FOR THE #Fortnite COMMUNITY. Popular content creator @/Creeperbrine102 had sexually explicit conversations with me as a 14 year old

proof in thread. please rt :( #fortnite #FortniteParadise #FortniteSeason4
I know I am at fault for posting some nsfw things but he was very aware of my age. Hes known me since recently turned 12. I am 15 now. I have never said my age was anything else. You can see in the conversation later that he was aware of this.
I posted a joke about having a kink on my story. (I turned fourteen two months before this screenshot. He was turning 18 the next month.)
Read 20 tweets
Sep 10th 2022

#FortniteChapter3 #FortniteSeason4 #FortniteVibin #Fortnite
The Chrome was seen affecting things in weird 80s-90s inspired commercials. Those things related to being pure? So we've theorized that the Chrome is trying to purify the island and form it's own paradise possibly. But what kind of paradise? (1/3)
Well let's look back at the commercials. They're inspired by ones from the 1980s to the 1990s, right? And that one teaser posted by Donald like a year ago was black and white, right? Well the Chrome also resembles TV static with the somewhat colorful shine it usually has. (2/5)
Read 6 tweets

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