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Aug 4th 2019
Buhari who mobilize protesters against Jonathan’s govt wants to take away our right to protest against him? Democracy doesnt work if the people reject Buhari? #OccupyNigeria2.0! Nigerians are tired of DISASTER govt @USEmbassyAbuja @hrw @UNHumanRights @EUinNigeria @UKinNigeria
Buhari knows he is REJECTED by the people! Buhari knows the rigging case in court looks BAD for him, Buhari has resulted to intimidation using @PoliceNG it will not work for Buhari! We have a RIGHT to protest against this TERRIBLE government @USEmbassyAbuja @hrw @UNHumanRights
#BuhariMustGo we dont want change against! Insecurity, hunger, unemployment, Poverty, oppression, abuse of human right, ethnic and religious BIGOTRY, CORRUPTION nothing has ever been this bad in Nigeria! #BuhariMustGo #FreeOmoyeleSowore
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