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Oct 30th 2022
1. Hi everyone 👋, last day today. Lets take a look at the captive breeding program of #FreshwaterPearlMussels Margaritifera margaritifera (FPM) in the @MarineInst hatchery in Furnace
@npwsBioData @pearl_mussel @ACRESWestConn @Dept_ECC @DeptHousingIRL @agriculture_ie @WAN_LIFEIP
2. Some background first. FPMs are bivalve (shell in 2 halves) molluscs that are native to Irish rivers and lakes. The species is protected under the Wildlife Act and listed on Annex II and V of the EU #HabitatsDirective.…
3. It is on the verge of extinction, in unfavourable-bad conservation status and categorised as critically endangered in Ireland, and one of the 365 most endangered species in the world
Check out these #FreshwaterFactCards from @LeibnizIGB…
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