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Feb 17th 2023
Wanna see something weird?! Ever thought about this? Every 2nd animal is a fish.
Despite this fact, much about the #microbiome in fish is unknown!
How is the #metagenome in Norwegian wild Atlantic #salmon as a case? In one word - surprising!

Here is a thread! (1/10)
We have used genome-resolving metagenomics to discover some wild and surprising interactions
between 🐟 and 🦠 in Atlantic salmon featured in @ISME_microbes
Please have a read: (2/10)
The first surprise we encountered was the simplicity of the microbiome of wild salmon! One 🦠 ruled over all the others no matter the sampling location - despite this being across 700 Km! (3/10)
Read 11 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
1. Hi everyone 👋, last day today. Lets take a look at the captive breeding program of #FreshwaterPearlMussels Margaritifera margaritifera (FPM) in the @MarineInst hatchery in Furnace
@npwsBioData @pearl_mussel @ACRESWestConn @Dept_ECC @DeptHousingIRL @agriculture_ie @WAN_LIFEIP
2. Some background first. FPMs are bivalve (shell in 2 halves) molluscs that are native to Irish rivers and lakes. The species is protected under the Wildlife Act and listed on Annex II and V of the EU #HabitatsDirective.…
3. It is on the verge of extinction, in unfavourable-bad conservation status and categorised as critically endangered in Ireland, and one of the 365 most endangered species in the world
Check out these #FreshwaterFactCards from @LeibnizIGB…
Read 23 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
1. Good morning ☀️ Thursdays 🧵is about #Trout
For clarity, we are talking about Salmo trutta, the native trout to Ireland, which can be either resident (brown trout) or migratory (sea trout) or many things in between 📸 G. Rogan
@WildTroutTrust @AST_Salmon @TheFSBI #FishSci Juvenile trout
@TheFSBI 2. Trout display phenotypic plasticity. A phenotype is a set of observable characteristics or traits of an organism ➡️what does it look like and how does it function? Here’s various L. Melvin trout, thanks to A. Ferguson & P. Prodöhl @QUBelfast… Types of trout from Lough Melvin
@TheFSBI @QUBelfast 3. For trout, the decision to stay put in freshwater, or migrate to sea is complex, governed by genetics, the condition of the fish, and environmental conditions. This is an excellent infographic also from Andy and Paulo @QUBelfast , + Tom Cross, @TomEReed & @mcginnity_p @uccBEES infographic of trout life history decisions
Read 28 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
1. Tuesday 🧵PART 2. Before we talk about #ClimateChange, we might have a look at what happens to all the #Carbon coming off the bogs and into the rivers and lakes, i.e. the transport of terrestrials stores of Carbon to the sea. This is a great infographic from the @c_cascades Infographic showing how car...
2. Current estimates put this at about 5.1 Pg of C per year, although most people expect this to rise, considering the high uncertainty, ongoing anthropogenic impacts, and continual refinement of the science…
3. One of the parts of this carbon is Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) which is the brown colour that you see in bog streams – those of you with water supplies coming off bogs will be familiar with this kind of change
Read 21 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
1. Mondays 🧵 is about long term monitoring.
How many people have a wall like this in their house? It’s the basic principle of long term monitoring: measure the same thing, the same way, in the same place, over many years (until your kids have flown the nest 😢) 🪺🪹
#Data Marks on a wall showing chi...
2. Long term monitoring and data collection leads to LTER – Long Term Ecological Research, where we use these data to understand natural variability, but also the complex interactions between people and nature over many years 📈📉📊🌳#LTER @eLTER_Europe @ILTER_network Slide of why questions rela...
3. In Burrishoole, data collection started in 1955 with counting fish: how many migratory (diadromous) fish were moving between freshwater (Lough Feeagh– top of photo) and the sea (Lough Furnace – bottom of photo) ?????? Aerial view of Lough Feeagh...
Read 24 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
1. Hi everyone, I’m Elvira de Eyto @edeeyto , and this week I’ll be talking about long term monitoring, freshwater ecosystems, migratory fish and a bit about freshwater pearl mussels. I work at the research station in the Burrishoole catchment run by the @MarineInst Aerial view of the Marine Institute, Co. Mayo
@edeeyto @MarineInst 2. I grew up near Navan, Co. Meath, spent a good bit of time in @TCDZoology doing a degree in natural sciences followed by a PhD and subsequent research work on the ecological assessment of lakes
How can we tell what condition a lake is in ?💦
This is the beautiful #LoughCarra Littoral zone of Lough Carra
3. I did my PhD with 3 partners-in-crime @gnfree_gf @J0naf1n and Rossana Caroni, and we spent 2 years driving around 🇮🇪 with a little inflatable boat sampling many many many lakes. No camera phones in those days! 📸These are literally the only 3 photos I have of those 2 years Boat on Lough Inchiquinn, Jonathan, Gary and our boat, Elvir
Read 26 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
Tyre dust: the ‘stealth pollutant’ that’s becoming a huge threat to ocean life

Plastic in the depths: Scientists spent decades on the trail of a mystery toxin killing #Salmon en masse. Mystery of the mass deaths seemed to occur after heavy rains #pnw #yvr…
first real breakthrough happened when they tested actual runoff collected from a nearby road and exposed test salmon to it. The fish died within hours
Tested this product @environmentca🤔
..carefully shaved tiny fragments of tyre & soaked them in water. “When we tested the tyres it killed all the fish".. culprit a toxic chemical 6PPD-quinone, product of the preservative 6PPD, added to tyres to stop them breaking down #Plastic
Read 9 tweets
May 17th 2022
🧵 "Transient dynamics: the key to ecological understanding"

Today's Colloquium by SFI External Professor Alan Hastings (@UCDavis, @theNASciences)

Streaming now on our YouTube channel:

#Ecology #ComplexSystems
@ucdavis @theNASciences "One might say that natural ecological #systems *don't exist anymore*..."

SFI External Prof Alan Hastings @eco_hastings (@UCDavis), criticizes classical approaches to deterministic/equilibrium ecological models, streaming now:

@ucdavis @theNASciences @eco_hastings "The long-term behavior of the #epidemic is not what you want to focus on. Let's focus instead on dynamics at shorter timescales."

SFI External Prof Alan Hastings @eco_hastings
(@UCDavis), criticizes conventional ecological models, streaming now:
Read 9 tweets
May 3rd 2022
At Sentient Media, we report on an industry that touches all our lives yet operates in secrecy: factory farming.

On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we call on governments to lift #AgGag laws and share 13 findings we could only report thanks to the help of undercover investigators.👇1/17 Image
“Ag-gag” laws punish whistleblowers and investigators for recording footage inside #FactoryFarms.

In 2021, @ALDF released a film on how #AgGag laws conflict with the First Amendment while concealing pollution, food safety threats, and animal cruelty. 2/17…
“These companies keep their practices under wraps because they know that the public would be horrified.”

Former @AnimalOutlook investigator Scott David reports how #AgGag laws enable farmers to conceal the realities of #meat, dairy & egg production. 3/17…
Read 17 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/15/2021…
Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11 ⋆ Brownstone Institute…

#MedicalStudy, #germany, #COVID19, #mortality, #children, #SchoolClosures
Fast superhighway through the Solar System discovered - Big Think…

#ArchesOfChaos, #SpaceTravel, #SolarSystem, ScientificDiscovery
Read 20 tweets
Nov 23rd 2021
On Nov 15, 2021 an #AtmosphericRiver hit the #Fraser Valley and Canyon. In support of a BC Salmon Restoration Innovation Fund #BCSRIF project and with support from @HakaiInstitute, we flew the Fraser Canyon to document the #floods and #landslides that occurred. 1/18 #BCStorm
Our research examines how the size and frequency of landslides in Fraser Canyon affect river morphology, flow dynamics, #salmon migration, and their genetics. What follows are names, pictures, and coordinates of #landslide events we identified, both big and small. 2/18 #BCStorm
Wahleach Slides (49°14'10.01"N; 121°40'40.35"W). Debris flows tracks that fail every few years on East side of Fraser River near the Wahleach Hydro Plant. They cross the TMX pipeline construction. There are two major deposits on #Highway1 and many smaller failures. 3/18 #BCStorm
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Jun 1st 2021
This is the image you usually see when the media does a story on genetically engineered salmon: big #GMO #salmon, small non GMO salmon.

But in any comparison it is important to compare apples to apples or genotypes to genotypes.
This is the study that AquaBounty(GM Salmon co.) cites. In it researchers compared growth rates of transgenic(TG) and non-transgenic salmon(NTG) for a period of 96 days. Both NTG and TG fish came from the same parents or brood stock(this is important).…
The study showed that TG fish reached targeted weight in a shorter time(40%) and total feed required to produce the same fish biomass was reduced by 25%.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 17th 2021
Minister @BruceRalston gave @MA_BC a million dollars to produce a road map that has a copy edit at the top of page 4 - OUR DESINTATION. Given NGOs and community groups were left out of the “engagement” on this, how about we suggest a few other edits. 1/…
Start of report: “More than 150 years ago, our industry helped build our province’s cities and towns.” Given how good you claim to be on Indigenous relations, did you ask some nations what they think about this statement? @tsilhqotin @Stkemlups_SSN @Sneena01 @CarrierSekani? 2/
Painting our colonialist history with nostalgia & industriousness erases the reality of the past. Up to 90% of Indigenous communities were wiped out from smallpox brought with the second wave of the Gold Rush. BC has no treaties in part b/c Trutch placed his bets on 100%... 3/
Read 12 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
The #carp is a poem unto itself.

How did the Salmon get wisdom into it's flesh.

I once heard - "you memorize poetry, because there will come a time in your life when the poem will make sense because of the world... and the world will make sense because of the poem"

The #carp and the #salmon did this for me with twitter today.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
(Thread) A scientist’s view of the urgent need for @GavinNewsom to sign SB#1, written by @sentoniatkins.

Like every scientist concerned with preventing #extinction of #SFBay’s fish species, I want #endangeredspecies management to use only the best available science. 1/
@GavinNewsom @SenToniAtkins I supported then-Secretary @sallyjewell's call to review #endangeredspeciesact safeguards for the Bay’s imperiled fish species. Those reviews were necessary bc endangered fish continued to decline; Jewell wrote that she expected the review to lead to increased protections. 2/
@GavinNewsom @SenToniAtkins @sallyjewell Then science-denialists in the Trump Administration manipulated the scientific process used to develop @NOAAFisheries scientific review and tried to bury the best available science.…
Read 10 tweets
May 10th 2019
There has been much action lately around #seafood #traceability, and last weekend I was eating #BlueHarborFishCo Albacore #Tuna - and noticed the claim on the can that they could track all the way back to the boat, and had a @MSCecolabel on the can. #fishery 1/n Image
I was interested if a company could really go all the way back to the boat, so I looked on the web site for fishing boat information. Here it discussed @MSCecolabel and that the trace back is "to a certified sustainable source and #fishing practice" 2/n Image
I was getting suspicious - #seafood #traceability back to the boat? I thought I would check the @MSCecolabel web site for information about this #Tuna #fishery - only 1 MSC web page has the MSC-C-54143 code, and that is a 279 page report that mentions this code 1 time 3/n Image
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Dec 31st 2018
A #NewYearsEve #thread

On 🇪🇺 & 🇬🇧 & 🇳🇴 & 🦄🦄🦄

May 2019 bring much 🎂 to have & eat!

Due thanks @SebDance for inspiration
Some clever 🇬🇧 spin doctors have added a ➕ to 🇳🇴

assumedly to make it more alluring?

@USverdrup, Director at Norwegian Institute of International Affairs @NUPInytt noted to the 🇳🇴 @Aftenposten daily:
“If you stand at the edge
you no longer seek the best solution”
Please consider this:

Did any Central & Eastern European country joining 🇪🇺 2004
1st knock @EFTAsecretariat's door
as their preferred ‘solution’ for #SingleMarket access?

#EFTA & the #EEA Agreement it administers
= a barren 🏜️ for #democracy

A truly grey Brussels #bureaucracy.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 28th 2017
2018 is the 61st year of long term ecological research in Burrishoole #BurrishooleLTER @MarineInst. I'm going to pin this tweet here and at the end of every month add some phenological happenings 🌿🐛📈🐟💦🦆🦉🦇🕷🍃🌼🌙🌝❄️, including our main jobs. Stay tuned 👇🏼
@MarineInst This will coincide with our monthly staff meetings (last wed of each month) so I can get everyone's observations @FishEcoEvo @elizabethtray3 @B2020project
JANUARY: first snowdrops #phenology #burrishooleLTER
Read 125 tweets

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