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Apr 20th 2020
Prosecution Success:

In ack. of SSGCL' prosecution efforts, Hon. courts asked gov agencies to cooperate in gas theft cases.
Hon session judge #Ghotki issued show cause ag. sub- inspector, FIA #sukkur, for not arresting accused who found using gas meter illegally for Bakery. Image
2. Similarly; Hon addt. session judge #Gambat issued first reminder ag. cheif manager State Bank, RO Sukkur, to seize bank account of accused who found using gas for ice factory illegally. Bail of accused has already dismissed by SC #Karachi registry ag. theft claim of RS 5m.
3. In other case, Hon. Justice SHC Bench #Larkana directed the accused to deposit the quantum of loss (Rs.5,10,800) within 10 days in favour of SSGC otherwise his Pre-arrest bail will be recalled.
As accused was caught running Bakery on commercial basis through direct gas.
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