Petroleum Division, Ministry of Energy Profile picture
Official account of #PetroleumDivision, Ministry of Energy| Government of Pakistan | Federal Minister Dr Musadik Malik
Jul 30, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] MoE-PD clarifies some facts about LNG procurement in view of various media reports on same subject & state that roughly 1/3 of our monthly LNG purchases are on "spot" basis & remaining 2/3 on long-term contract basis & in line w/ global avg for LNG importing countries 2. It is known that the "spot" LNG commodity price has spiked recently (to over $15 per MMBTU) due to a variety of supply-related issues (e.g. curtailment from Exxon's facility in Papua New Guinea) and demand-related (higher in China & Japan due to warmer weather) factors.
Jun 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
تھریڈ: ترجمان وزارت توانائی کا ٹرمینل I کے حوالے سے اہم بیان۔

مارچ 2015میں پچھلی حکومت میں لگائے جانے والاFSRU استعمال شدہ لگایا گیا تھا اسکو2009میں تیار کیا گیا تھا اور اسکی اورہالنگ کے بعد پاکستان میں لگایا گیا تھا۔ نئےFSRU کو 15سال میں 2دفعہ صفائی اور مرمت کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ 2. مارچ 2021میں اینگرو کے ٹرمینل کیلئے جب ماہرین پاکستان آئے تھے اور انہوں نے اس ٹرمینل کے FSRUکا معائینہ کیا تھا تو انہوں نے اس کو پاکستان میں ناقابل مرمت قرار دیا تھا۔ اصل نقصان نئے ٹرمینل پر پرانا FSRUلگانے سے ہوا ہے جسے اب7یوم کیلئے بند کرنا پڑ رہا ہے.
Dec 5, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] Ref. media reports & analysis by media person on PR issued by this Div. on Dec, 4.This reporting clearly exposes complete lack of understanding of pricing of LNG by those who profess to be experts. Relationship btw JKM & Brent linked LNG purchase expl. as follow: 2. The PR talks about JKM swaps spreads of $5.5 USD/mmbtu on Oct. 2nd for delivery in Dec. & indicates that these spreads were only 10 cents/mmbtu less in mid-August. Nowhere did the Petroleum Division say that this was the price at which Pakistan could have bought the LNG.
Nov 27, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
[Thread] Ref. media reports posing serious questions pertaining to LNG import based on 'selected data', is strongly rebutted by this Division & wud like to respond to these questions in backdrop of legal & contractual issue of LNG import, which are as follow: 👇 2. Why GoP not buying more LNG? In this regard, one must know tht since LNG is not “gas” as per law, govt. can only buy more LNG when confirmed buyers are available who will pay the full price. Otherwise, it will create a LNG circular debt...
Oct 4, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Mr. @MiftahIsmail continues to mislead the public on LNG. The following are a few facts:

@OmarAyubKhan @AliHZaidiPTI 2. PMLN govt. set up 2 LNG terminals, where GoP has guaranteed to pay a total of USD 515,000/Day.That is $188m a year. Current govt. has approved 2 terminals from private sector of the same size, by world class companies, with NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION of GOP.
Sep 3, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Ref. news based on the opinions/views expressed at a virtual moot organized by Think Tank at Islamabad Policy Institute attributing Govt's move to import Euro V Standard Fuel as 'premature decision', is strongly rebutted by this Division.

#PetroleumDivision #Euro5 Image 2. The main argument was built about burden on the local consumers is incorrect. In view of PSO's tender results for Euro-V,prices either equal/even ⬇️ thn Euro-II petrol prices. Therefore, no huge financial impact on public or any -tive effect on balance of payment is expected.
Aug 8, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Under the directives of PM of 🇵🇰 @ImranKhanPTI & Minister @OmarAyubKhan, State-owned OMC, #PSO is first one to import EuroV Standard Fuel.

This will enable 🇵🇰 to import better quality fuel & primarily aims at protecting the environment from global warming. Image 2. Petroleum Division has formulated policy guidelines for switching of petrol imports to Euro- V specifications from August, 2020 & all imports of diesel will be conformed to Euro- V standard by January, 2021 in order to revolutionise the fuel mix of the country.
Jul 18, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
قانون کے مطابق اوگرا پٹرول کی درآمدی قیمتوں کا حساب رکھتا ہے جبکہ حکومت پٹرول کی قیمتوں کا تعین کرتی ہے۔
یہاں اس امر کی وضاحت لازمی ہے کہ 30جون کو اوگرا کے حساب کے مطابق ملک میں پٹرول کی قیمت میں 31روپے اضافہ بنتا تھا تاہم حکومت نے 5.5روپے کمی کے ساتھ ..پٹرول کی قیمت کا تعین اور اعلان کردیا. اور پاکستان میں ابھی بھی پٹرول کی قیمت آئل درآمدی ممالک کی نسبت سب سےکم ہے. معزز ایم این اے جناب احسن اقبال صاحب آپکو یہ واضع کرنا ضروری ہے کہ پٹرولیم کی قیمتوں کے تعین کیلئے وہی طریقہ کار اپنایا جاتا ہے جوکہ گزشتہ حکومتوں میں رائج تھا۔
Jul 2, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Details:

.@OGDCL completed 6” dia, 7.5 Km flow line from Bhambra Well # 1 to Thal East well # 1& 8” dia, 28.8 Km flow line from Thal East # 1 to Thal West Well # 1. It is pertinent to mention that.... 2.... 8” dia, 12 Km flow line from Thal West Well # 1 to Kadanwari Plant was already completed in June, 2019 &gas was injected into the system at that time.
Jun 28, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Dr. @SaleemFarrukh, apropos your vlog on petrol prices, it must be known that the base price of Petrol in 🇵🇰 is fixed on the basis of PSO’s actual imports, which are linked w/ int'l Arab Gulf Platts and 30-45 days pricing cycle used in 🇵🇰 as per regulation. 2. Secondly, all cargoes imported since the last cargo used in the preceding price announcement are averaged to arrive at the prices for the following month. The base price for PSO used for 1st June was $ 17.79/bbl which incl. all cargoes from end of April till 3rd week of May.
Jun 26, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
1. #MoE to clarify some facts in regard to inc. load shedding in #Karachi by K-Electric which is attributed wrongly to non-availability of fuel by Petroleum Division.
#SSGC is providing a total of 250 - 290 MMCFD of gas including 75 - 100 MMCFD of #LNG. Image 2. Meanwhile #PetroleumDivision has made arrangements for supply of 80% of Pakistan domestic RFO production to KE power plants. In addition, Div. is supplying 30,000 tons of RFO from storage of other power plant to immediately fulfill requirements of KE.
Jun 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1. #PetroleumDivision & its attached departments has resolved 135308 complaints out of 140082 complaints received so far at Pakistan Citizens Portal, so, complaint resolution rate stands 97% w/ absolute complainant satisfaction. Image 2. The portal management placed recently Petroleum Division in a list of top 10 public organizations/Divisions, who resolved maximum number of complaints registered with their organizations.
Jun 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Ref. case in #LCIA, Petroleum Division rejects storyline of news item appeared in section of media. In fact, #LCIA granted right to PLTL to request for bifurcation of both arbitrations. So, impression tht LCIA decision is a setback for PLTL is misleading and erroneous. Image 2. More so, Recovery of liquidated damages, its extent & nature, as well the question of consequential loss is legal matter to be decided by LCIA. Therefore, statement tht the LDs claim of PLTL will fail is merely a personal inference & deliberate misrepresentative of the facts.
Jun 12, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Apropos news reports attributing current #petrol crisis to an import ban imposed by Gov. on Mar 25 during lockdown. It must be known tht during this period i.e(25th Mar. -24th April)6 ships of MoGas & 2 ships of crude oil berthed based on req. & demand of various OMCs & Ref. Image 2. The effect of this curtailment, if any, wud have shown in the early to mid-May given the sailing time of 3-4 days from Gulf region. Thus, this negates the perception of any disruption in the supply chain for June 2020 was created by oil import curtailment in March/April 2020.
Jun 11, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
1. Ref. #Petrol situation, Petroleum Division, #OGRA & all relevant stakeholders, incl. the Provincial Gov. are working proactively to normalize the fuel situation created by some OMCs and/or their dealers for profit maximization, casting an adverse impact on general public. Image 2. Inspection team found >40m litres petrol hoarded by Hascol & GOPL during raid at Keamari & Port-Qasim port on 9th June. FIR lodged. Notices issued to the CEOs of these OMCs. @KPGovernment took action ag. #Shell Pakistan for hoarding the petrol at Taru Jabba, Peshawar.
Jun 8, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
1. In a backdrop of petrol scarcity in the country, a committee has been formed as per directions of Hon’ble FM @OmarAyubKhan in order to ascertain the element of hoarding & black marketing & to verify the availability of Petrol stocks in OMC's depots & supply to retail outlets. Image 2. This decision was made in a video con. attended by SAPM Mr. Nadeem Babar, FS Mr. Mian Asad Hayaud Din, Chairperson OGRA, OMCs, Refineries & OCAC Rep. w/ Federal Minister in chair. ImageImage
Apr 11, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
1. #Petroleum Division has extended its unfailing support to GoP in the fight to curb #COVID__19 Pandemic in country.

Latest addition is made by @SNGPLofficial thru allocation of Rs 38m for relief activities, includ. Rs 19m for Prime Minister's Relief Fund for Pandemic. Image 2. #SNGPL commits a handout of Rs 19m directly to @ndmapk for procurement of medical & other supplies for COVID Pandemic.
Mar 19, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
1. Update on Gas theft operations:

SSCGTO carried out raid today at jail chourangi, Karachi. 15 flats found using gas illegally through rubber pipes, w/ total load 120 cft/hr. Meter removed. claims will be raised accordingly. 2. Another case, 40 houses using #gas illegally through rubber pipes found in civil line Saddar, #Karachi. All illegal pipes removed and line disconnected on the spot.
Case is refered to technical wing for raising claims. Image
Mar 17, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Reforms in Gas Pricing:

In line w/ vision of PM @ImranKhanPTI, @Official_PetDiv is actively engaged w/ all key stakeholders: OGRA, BoD & Management of Sui Companies to come up w/ solutions to reduce the burden of high gas tariffs on the most vulnerable section of society. 2. Gas losses (UFG) for both sui companies has exceeded to double digit whereas one pc UFG loss of in monetary terms represents Rs. 4 bn. Therefore govt is asking sui companies to curtail UFG losses or reduce allowed UFG to ensure efficient use of gas.
Feb 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1. عوام کےلیےاھم اطلاع:
میڈیا میں بعض اطلاعات کے مطابق شہر کے کچھ حصوں میں فیول کی قلت کے باعث پیٹرول پمپس بند ہورہے ہے۔پاکستان اسٹیٹ آئل اپنے صارفین کو آگاہ کرتی ہے کہ کپمنی کے تمام پیٹرول پمپس پر پیٹرولیم مصنوعات کی مسلسل فراہمی کو یقینی بنایا جارہا ہے( جاری) Image 2. ۔پی ایس او کے پاس پیٹرولیم مصنوعات وافر مقدار میں موجود ہیں۔ کپمنی کا ذوالفقار آباد آئل ٹرمینل مسلسل فعال ہے اور آپریشنز24 گھنٹے جاری رکھے ہوئے ہے۔کراچی سمیت ملک کے تمام حصوں میں پیٹرولیم مصنوعات کی بلا تعطل فراہمی کو یقینی بنایا جارہا ہے۔کراچی میں دیگر آئل ماریٹکنگ کپمنیوں. ۔
Feb 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
1. عوام کو ریلیف فراہم کرنے اور گیس و پٹرولیم مصنوعات کی قیمتوں میں استحکام کے حوالے سے اعلیٰ سطحی اجلاس آج وزیراعظم ہاؤس میں ہوا۔ 2. اجلاس کی صدارت وزیراعظم نے کی جس میں وفاقی وزیر توانائی عمر ایوب اور معاون خصوصی برائے پٹرولیم ندیم بابر، وفاقی سیکرٹری پٹرولیم اسد اخیاالدین اور دیگر وفاقی وزراء اور مشیران نے شرکت کی