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Mar 21st 2020
📙 1/12
In viral times, it's hard to focus on other things.


There's a related story called the #coronabill that needs attention.

UKGov made decisions resulting in preventable deaths

And now they want more power and less oversight for more bad decisions

📙 2/12
References for the deaths are at the end. But the sad thing is we are still making things worse.

Time is too short for disbelief. So sceptics read a few tweets from @richardhorton1 who humbly doesn't tell you he's editor of the Lancet - our world-leading medical journal
📙 3/12
Welcome back.

The bill I'm referencing is below

The goals are honourable.
1.Increasing health Workforce
2.Easing staff burden
3.Slowing the virus
4.Helping with the deceased
5.Supporting you and me.

No one could complain about those.…
Read 14 tweets
Mar 18th 2020
I strongly advise you to link this thread with the next thread.

In times of crisis I support a Wartime Cabinet.

Like Mr Chamberlakn, Johnson should step aside for a Churchill.

The man who made things worse can't make them better with a secret police.
So I don't want you to worry, but this is getting an itchy bit too fashi for my liking.

We had Reichstag during the coup. Now we have Enabling Act + Gestapo.

I tell ya there's a heap load of weird stuff to go through.

Call me a dot joiner, but did we just become the baddies?
Read 16 tweets

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