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Sep 25th 2020
Marriage is not just about love. It entails a lot. Before you marry, make sure whoever you're choosing can perform proper #Ghusul, #Ablution #Salat.

Many a times lots of us lack the knowledge and principles of the #Deen.
All we care about is the fancy dresses and parties we are going to have on our wedding day, forgetting marriage is also an act of worship which needs to be given much attention to.

All we know is we're marrying the love of our lives and we're going to live 'happily ever
after' (we don't marry based on Deen anymore). We don't marry to please Allaah anymore, we marry because we feel we're being left out of the race,we marry because we want to put our enemies to shame;


What then is the essence of the marriage if both..
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