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Jan 28th 2023
If you work via #GreenCube, try #EME with big guns. I promise, you will be amazed! As a proof of concept, I made a quick #moonbounce QSO with DL7APV with just a Yaesu FT-818, 40W, 1dB NF LNA and 15 el Diamond antenna held by hand! Easy QSO. Read on🧵
#amsat #io117 #hamradio #hamr Diamond A430S15 Yagi antennaEME QSO with DL7APV using 40W, Yaesu FT-818 and 15 el Yagi
2/9 There are a number of extremely capable #EME stations on 70cm: DL7APV, HB9Q, NC1I. If you are enjoying decode rates above 80% on #GreenCube, don't wait and try #EME. You will likely complete your first QSO over the Moon faster than on the congested #IO117
#amsat #hamradio Credit: HB9QCredit: DL7APVCredit: NC1I
3/9 I used my portable #Greencube set: Yaesu FT-818ND - 40W amp / 1dB NF preamp - Diamond A430S15 14.8dBi on wooden extension, held by hand and pointed visually. With a low NF frontend you can go with a 7el Arrow
#EME #amsat #hamradio #hamr #moonbounce
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