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Apr 12th 2023
Let's try again (in the right order this time). Edward Hyde isn’t quite what he seems. A thread: πŸ‘‡
🐍 From 'hissing' like a snake to 'snarling' like a wild animal, Stevenson evokes a sense of danger & taps into 19th-century theories on evolution. With references to troglodytes and apes, the novella explores fears of devolution and the animal within us. #Darwin #Evolution
The murder of Danvers Carew taps into Victorian society's fears of the lower classes. Hyde, representing the dangerous elements of London, clashes with Carew's upper-class demeanour, revealing a societal divide. #VictorianSociety #ClassStruggle
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Sep 18th 2020
Layton Cemetery is an atmospheric resting place with a captivating history, having first opened in 1871. 1/#HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL close up photograph of lich...close up photograph of a we...
Some its more famous residents include 'Queen of the Gypsies' Ada Boswell, civil rights activist George Washington Williams and Trapeze Artist and Circus Owner King Ohmy. 2/ #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
Some of the headstones and memorials at Layton Cemetery also feature some more of Blackpool's historic #HiddenNature 3/ @heritageopenday #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
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Sep 17th 2020
An Aquarium, Aviary and Menagerie all used to have a home on the Ground Floor of the complex to keep visitors entertained. 2/ @heritageopenday #HODs #HeritageOpenDays #HiddenNature #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
You could see everything from Greenland Seals, to British Sharks, to Lions and Tigers. And all for just Sixpence! Bargain! 3/ @heritageopenday @TheBplTower #HODs #HiddenNature #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
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Sep 17th 2020
You can find #HiddenNature throughout most of our seaside town historic hot-spots, you've just got to know where to look! 1/ @heritageopenday #HODs #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL blue coloured gloss tile fe...view of red brick interior coloured gloss tile fe...
Throughout the corridors and staircases of @TheBplTower, you may not have spotted the sparkling turquoise #Burmantoft panels. 2/ @heritageopenday #HODs #HiddenNature #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
The vivid tiles feature birds, fish and children, and were modelled by E. C. Spruce. 3/ @heritageopenday @TheBplTower #HiddenNature #HODs #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
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Sep 17th 2020
In 1875, the Blackpool Winter Gardens Company was registered, and architect Thomas Mitchell won a competition to design the space. 2/ @heritageopenday @WGBpl #HODs #HiddenNature #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
Original plans included a Rotunda & Floral Hall, fernery with musical entertainment and the Grand Vestibule at the Victoria St entrance housing the Palm House. 3/ @heritageopenday @WGBpl #HODs #HeritageOpenDays #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
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Sep 16th 2020
The theme for this years #HODs is #HiddenNature. The natural world is as much a part of our heritage as the rise of cities and famous battles. 1/ @heritageopenday #HODs #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL Heritage Open Days 'Hidden ...
And we'll be uncovering the #HiddenNature tucked away inside some of our most famous buildings. 2/ @heritageopenday #HODs #HiddenNature #HeritageOpenDays #HODs20 #MyHeritageBlackpool #HeritageBlackpool #MyBlackpool #MyHeritageBPL
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