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May 25th 2023
Part 2 of the thread I started yesterday, 'More info on Rwanda/ Tories' . Today's starts with Andrew Mitchell Mp, (Part 1) here;
Read 38 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
Tomorrow I will start a #thread of the untold revelations on #Rusesabagina.

A research that I’ve been doing for months reveals an unbelievable string of misinformation of the public by @nytimes, @TLHumanRights @kittykurth, his lawyers and Belgian lawmakers.

A perfect fiction!
Here is the list of lies about #Rusesabagina:

1. Not Rwandan Citizen
2. Human Rights Activist
3. Saved people at Milles Collines
4. Kidnapped
5. Tortured
6. Denied Lawyers of his choice
7. Subjected to sham trial

I will be demonstrating-with proof-that none of this is the truth
1. On #Rusesabagina 'Not being Rwandan':

This is a passport application signed by #Rusesabagina himself in July 2004. The application is accompanied by a payment slip to @rrainfo - also signed by Rusess.
Read 33 tweets

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