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Dec 17th 2021
Tomorrow I will start a #thread of the untold revelations on #Rusesabagina.

A research that I’ve been doing for months reveals an unbelievable string of misinformation of the public by @nytimes, @TLHumanRights @kittykurth, his lawyers and Belgian lawmakers.

A perfect fiction!
Here is the list of lies about #Rusesabagina:

1. Not Rwandan Citizen
2. Human Rights Activist
3. Saved people at Milles Collines
4. Kidnapped
5. Tortured
6. Denied Lawyers of his choice
7. Subjected to sham trial

I will be demonstrating-with proof-that none of this is the truth
1. On #Rusesabagina 'Not being Rwandan':

This is a passport application signed by #Rusesabagina himself in July 2004. The application is accompanied by a payment slip to @rrainfo - also signed by Rusess.
Read 33 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
@SenateForeign @JoaquinCastrotx @LantosFndn Some years back, I was Prosecutor General of Rwanda. Senior Commanders of a terrorist group in the region were arrested in #Burundi . Documents incrimanating #Rusesabagina in financing the group were obtained from them. I travelled to
#Washington and met senior #FBI Officials to seek their Cooperation because financing had originated from San Antonio in #Texas. More evidence were obtained by FBI. Weeks later, a senior FBI Official travelled to #Rwanda .Accompanied by the #US Ambassador, they met me and
handed in the letter to confirm commencement of formal investigations against Rusesabagina. Transfers had been done through Western Union by Rusesabagina himself. We challenged FBI then, and we do now to explain any other purpose they found to have been the intention of money
Read 5 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
1/18 A LONG thread for those following the #Rusesabagina case in #Rwanda and the cloak-and-dagger circumstances of his arrest.

Rwanda routinely uses unlawful means of arrest/detention and torture on both real and perceived opponents. 2017 @hrw report:…
2/18 The list of names associated with unlawful disappearances, detentions and killings is long. Simply put, political opponents in #Rwanda die. Start with the 2019 killing of FDU member Syldio…
3/18 Also in 2019, FDU member Anselme Mutuyimana, mysteriously dead.…
Read 18 tweets

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