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Jul 3rd 2019
The Wright brothers set out to solve the “flying problem” for the world. They not only gave the world the “technology of flight” (as they called it) that we use today but also did what men and women had only dreamed of doing for centuries—they flew! ✈️ What made it possible?👇
Turns out working against gravity isn’t easy! 🙇‍♀️ Governments were losing billions of dollars and the leaders of the aviation industry were failing. 😭 The world leader in glider flight, Otto Lilienthal, died when his glider plunged to the ground.
In 1900, the Wright brothers began the first manned-glider flight tests at Kitty Hawk based on calculations made by Lilienthal. 😁 But the wings failed to produce as much lift as Lilienthal’s tables suggested. Disappointed, the brothers made their way home! 😞
Read 14 tweets
Jul 2nd 2019
So excited to share the launch of @atlanHQ today after 18 months of working under the hood. #HumansofData, Welcome Home!
@AtlanHQ 2/ Also excited to announce our pre-series A fundraise of INR 18 crores and welcome @WaterbridgeVentures! They've been working with us in our stealth journey for the past 15 months and been great partners! cc @mkheterpal…
3/ We are living in the world of the "consumerisation of enterprise".. In 2019, Slack, Github, Zoom, Quip, Superhuman are all amazing examples of why human experience matters more than ever.
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