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Jun 4th 2020
*Man lynched--no reaction
*If he is Muslim, term him 'thief' or bring any other negative angle to make him appear a criminal, even before basic probe
*Once you find he is Bangladeshi, then predicable reactions
*Person's name was 'RANJIT'. So, now, blame WB govt. But sadness?
*No sadness, no tears because you are incapable of empathy.
*You are capable of just hate, if incident is in one district, find a nearby 'Muslim district' to create more confusion.
*Not just loonies, papers too carry reports on these lines. Same pattern. #Humarn or #Elephant
*There is never any genuine grief. Every incident, every death just part of the plan to target 'Muslims, seculars....' and whatever they've been fed for yrs now
*This is the most unique species, its entire existence rests on falsehoods, hate & propaganda…
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