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Jun 12th 2022
This documentary on ITV about Spire private hospitals & private surgeon mutilating women & men for money is damning. We have to reinstate the NHS. Spire have had £millions of public money while NHS has been shrunk/rationed, replaced by US ICS denying us care #RenationaliseNHS
Over 4,000 cases been recalled by Spire private health company after this "surgeon" operated unnecessarily on & mutilated potentially thousands of patients and no safeguarding, no scrutiny, no checks & balances, going back 22 years!! Yet govt gave £millions to Spire in pandemic
He was a consultant who "rented a room" at Spire private hosp, there have been no changes to the law so this type of criminal behaviour could happen again. What will happen when there is no NHS left to pick up the pieces when private sector negligence causes harm? #ICS_Is_Not_NHS
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