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Mar 10th 2023
1/ @NamitaGokhale_, you publicly "Liked" THIS* ?

[*My pinned tweet]

I can understand @AartiTikoo, @Sanjay_Dixit, @MakrandParanspe @KanwalSibal & @TVMohandasPai liking, RT-ing this..

But "@DalrympleWill's partner in crime" ?

Asserting your Azadi from Western handlers?👍 ImageImage
@NamitaGokhale_ @AartiTikoo @Sanjay_Dixit @MakrandParanspe @KanwalSibal @TVMohandasPai @DalrympleWill 2/ After damaad @PatrickFrench, you read this RT-ed FB post abt yr daughter @MeruGokhale's g'bye message to @PenguinIndia,

her salute to great authors she learnt from (#ArundhatiRoy & co) & her deafening silence on best-selling @vikramsampath, so... 3/
@NamitaGokhale_ @AartiTikoo @Sanjay_Dixit @MakrandParanspe @KanwalSibal @TVMohandasPai @DalrympleWill @PatrickFrench @MeruGokhale @PenguinIndia @vikramsampath 3/I'm wondering WHY @MeruGokhale resigned from @PenguinIndia.

@vikramsampath being India's top author-to-cancel (Paris #IPRCI2024 HQ NEVER names him, he's Voldemort),

was Meru shamed for supping w/ The Enemy & couldn't take it any more?

Also google 'Penguin Staff in Tears'.
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