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Jul 9th 2020
Gate2Brain is underway! The sixth @IRBBarcelona spin off, founded by #MeritxellTeixidó, has been launched with the “key” to transporting drugs into the brain and improving their effectiveness.

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"We are very proud that nearly 15 years of research at #IRBBarcelona bear fruit and have brought about a new spin-off as promising as Gate2Brain", says director #FrancescPosas.
“The company launch today is the result of the collective success of the research groups and Innovation departments, which I want to thank for their work. We have worked shoulder to shoulder during all this time to finally make the company a reality" Teixidó adds.
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Jul 9th 2020
📢¡Nace Gate2Brain, la sexta spin-off del @IRBBarcelona! Fundada por #MeritxellTeixidó, la tecnología de #Gate2Brain es una “llave” para transportar fármacos al cerebro y mejorar su eficacia.
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@TeixidoM “el cerebro es un órgano precioso, fuertemente protegido por una especie de muralla. Nosotros hemos conseguido desarrollar unas “llaves” que facilitan la entrada, y creemos que podrían permitir el acceso de distintos fármacos para tratar enfermedades cerebrales”.
“Estamos muy orgullosos de que cerca de 15 años de investigación en el IRB Barcelona den su fruto y se materialicen en una nueva spin-off tan prometedora como Gate2Brain", dice #FrancescPosas, director del @IRBBarcelona.
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