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Jan 5th 2019
"Trump held forth on all manner of things this past week as he emerged from a “lonely” spell over the holidays.."
Here's the fact check on all things Trump this week..
#SaturdayMorning #Imoeach #LiesMyGovernmentToldMe…
2-"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump held forth on all manner of things this past week as he emerged from a “lonely” spell over the holidays. He opined for more than 90 minutes to the press, at the top of a Cabinet meeting, on the shutdown, immigration, drug prices, the
3-"Soviet history in Afghanistan, his approval ratings, Syria, oil prices, the nature of walls, the attractiveness of his generals (“better looking than Tom Cruise”), and much more. He capped the week with a Rose Garden news conference that stretched for an hour.
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