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Jul 4th 2022
Here we have the then RPA Units in 1994 when the Genocide against Tutsi begun. We had Mobile Groups which was about a today's Brigade between 1500 to 2500 men (men and women). Each Mobile Group had about 10 Coys (Companies). So these were the RPA Mobile groups:
#Kwibohora28 Image
1. Unity of High Command

2. 3rd Battalion/ The 600 Battalion/ Rukaga in CND /Kigali

3. Alpha Mobile Group which headed to Kigali as an advance party to reinforce the 600 Battalion when the Genocide started avoided direct confrontation

4. Bravo Mobile Group
headed to Kigali
In combative way

5. Charlie Mobile Group was for Ruhengeri and Gisenyi

6. 59th Mobile Group
headed to Kigali later Gitarama

7. 21st Mobile Group
battled in Byumba and later sent to Kigali to reinforce other Mobile groups
#Kwibohora28 #Inkotanyiniubuzima
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May 3rd 2019
Genocide Survivor Albert Nsengimana was only 7 years old when he witnessed his eight brothers slaughtered before his eyes on the orders of his mother, also suffering similar unimaginable torture when his mother took him to be killed, but miraculously managed to escape. #Kwibuka25
Twenty-five years living with this indescribable wound Nsengimana writes a book called “Ma mere m’a tué” or “my mother killed me”. Released on Thursday 4th April 2019, the book tells his story of survival and forgiveness. #Kwibuka25
In this book “Ma mere m’a tué”, the seventh child in the family of nine boys, born to a Tutsi father and a Hutu mother, says that during the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi, he knew nothing about ethnicity. #Kwibuka25
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