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Nov 23rd 2020
Entire BALANCE of story is that a young person has to resort to court action to get 'assessment' for treatment at 'point of his need'…

Everything in this clip & the entirety of the #LGBAlliance content is simple evidence of #BBC #InstitutionalTransphobia
Given, it takes very little effort to see how (poisonous anti trans community inclusion) #LGBAlliance org is viewed by the Trans Community especially but I am certain the vast majority of the #LGBTi community, the #BBC are imo clearly acting as devious agent provocateur for it.
This is the #BBC engaging in lobbying #PublicOpinion in concert with the Westminster government current appearance to remove 'agency' from young people in seeking the very best professional support for their #GenderDysphoria AT THE POINT OF THEIR NEED. Arbitrary delay is torture!
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