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FACT CHECK: The Irish media has been repeating the claim that 50,000 people attended yesterday's #IrelandforAll protest.

This is complete and utter fake news, and I can prove it.🧵
RTÉ, the Irish Times, and the Irish Examiner all repeated claims that "tens of thousands" of people took part in yesterday's rally.

RTÉ and the Irish Times repeated the 50k number without challenging it. The Examiner meanwhile said a Garda source told them it was around 20k.
However, are any of these numbers accurate?

Well, luckily, people have been studying the science behind crowd control for some time, with tools available online to help anyone gain an understanding of a crowd's size.
Read 20 tweets
For those wondering: Yes, well over half of the organisations listed below as supporting the #IrelandForAll march on Saturday are directly or indirectly backed by the Irish government.

However, this statistic completely fails to show how bad things really are:🧵
By my count: Over 55% of the organisations listed here either currently have or at one stage had government support in the past.

This has mostly taken the form of financial grants and donations from the Irish government (read: taxpayer), though not always.
For instance, some groups supporting the march have received support from the EU (again, read: taxpayer) rather than the Irish state directly.

Others still have benefitted from being handed platforms by the likes of county councils or state-owned broadcasters, such as RTÉ.
Read 9 tweets

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