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Pharma intern: There seem to be a lot of cases of people being harmed by OUR products.

Supervisor: OUR studies indicate they help some people. We can't be distracted by ANECDOTES. Those patients are probably committing LOGICAL FALLACY. Or some other cool name. Ignore them.
Pharma Intern: There seem to be a lot of cases of other safer and more effective health approaches.

Supervisor: OUR studies indicate they help some people. We can't be distracted by ANECDOTES. Marketing will handle the distractions.
Pharma Intern: But shouldn't we try to do what's best for patients?

Supervisor: We spent a lot of money getting that product to market. We're not going to spend more worrying about patients. OUR money is being invested in more products. And marketing of these ones. #ItsABusiness
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