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Sep 11th 2018
How dam desilting is transforming the most drought-prone areas in Maharashtra.…

#Jalyuktshivar is a pronounced success.
But fewer know about #Gaalmuktdharan scheme.
While the numbers are still being counted, it is likely that the state would have spent less than Rs 25 crore on desilting these dams.

330 crores would have been required to transport this much water to villages via tankers
Read 18 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
win or lose elections, @Dev_Fadnavis will go into history as the person who promised and delivered. The #JalYuktShivar program is revolutionising the Villages
@Dev_Fadnavis even if u cannot understand Marathi, do watch the video. The quiet determination, resolve and commitment of the forest officers is so very clear
@Dev_Fadnavis I remember "experts" who dissed #JalYuktShivar , made snide remarks and termed it useless.

12000 villages are now water sufficient, balance 12000 will be by next monsoon
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2018
It is May, height of Summer in the scorched district of Osmanabad in the dry Marathwada region of Maharashtra....

and till date NO TANKER is needed to supply water
Nearby district of Latur (Remember the infamous Water train?)... This year just ONE TANKER is supplying water to 2 villages
adjoining district of Beed, another perennially water scarce area.... Just SIX tankers supplying water
Read 12 tweets
Apr 18th 2018
Water level in Maha dams at 40%, enough to last till July 15

#Jalyuktshivar working well
This year when 140 district in the country are dry, in Maharashtra, even those districts which are amongst driest in the country are not badly placed
except for dams in Amravati and Nagpur regions of Vidarbha, all reservoirs are in a position to supply water till July 15 as they have 35-40% stock. Water levels in dams in and around Mumbai, Pune, Nashik and in Konkan region are impressively high—40-48% to 55-60%.
Read 10 tweets

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