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Nov 10th 2021
#BOTD 1925 – 1984 Richard Burton, (b. Jenkins), 58, Welsh actor. Oscar nominated seven times, never won.

My Cousin Rachel (1952 OscarNom) * The Robe (OscarNom) * Alexander the Great * Look Back in Anger * Cleopatra * Becket (OscarNom) * Spy Who Came in from the Cold (OscarNom) Image
#BOTD 1925 – 1984 Richard Burton, 58, Welsh actor.

"From the first time I saw you, entering Rome on that monstrous stone beast, shining in the sun like a little gold toy, how I envied Caesar. Not his conquests or his triumphs. Not his titles. I envied him you."

Cleopatra (1963)
#BOTD 1925 – 1984 Richard Burton, 58, Welsh actor.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (OscarNom) * Taming of the Shrew * Where Eagles Dare * Anne of Thousand Days (OscarNom) * Assassination of Trotsky * Massacre in Rome * Equus (OscarNom) * Medusa Touch * Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) ImageImageImage
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Dec 13th 2020
#JohnLeCarre was a brilliant story teller & a master writer. If you haven't read his work, do so & marvel at his ability to marshal the English language. He was more than a spy novelist. He illuminated the fundamental tensions of human interaction. Thank you, David Cornwall. RIP.
And damn 2020 for taking from us, one of our best (and one of our my favorite) authors. It is sad to contemplate that there will be no more #JohnLeCarre novels. No one crafted a tale or played with verb tense better than he did.
It’s *Cornwell*. Apologies for the typo.
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