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Jul 14th 2022
12th July 2012 she gave birth to our 2nd son...Couldn't make it back, was far away.
I returned 2 days later (15th) to see her "going"🤔

She fought to stay back for another 90 days in that Hospital daily UNTIL we saw God's deliverance.
I remembered everything 🙏
#JoyfulMemories ImageImage
I was absent that particular day 10 years ago, but covenant friends were on ground as though it was their headache...Mo Dupe Baba!
She literally was on her way out, d pain & agony was too much..
How could someone that just gave birth via CS start to cough uncontrollably...Everything bursted..Doctors were scared, did I have option than to mount my watch & calm everyone down that she would stay here? God😭😭
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