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Feb 6th 2023
Good afternoon from western WA state. My name is Joy Gjersvold and I'm the chapter chair of M4L Kitsap County.

Parents catch a lot of flack for standing up for their children, the rights of their children, and for their own parental rights. I can speak firsthand of why M4L 1/8
Is such a vital grassroots organization for parents. The war waged against our children is quite personal. We nearly lost our daughter to SEL & restorative justice policies in our home school district. Our daughter was driven to the point of suicide. She had a plan in writing.2/8
She was 12. Her counselor didn't report her intentions as a Mandatory Reportable. She told our daughter to empathize and understand why her bully might be driven to bullying. Our repeated HIB reports and all documentation of meetings with the school magically disappeared. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
Sep 4th 2019
Why I'm Voting for @KamalaHarris in the #fitn NH Primary.

(Thread.) #nhpolitics
Living in the first-in-the-nation primary state, we have a responsibility to learn about presidential candidates early and up close, and to make a decision that will best help that candidate keep moving through the nomination process.
This time around, that responsibility feels overwhelming. When the next president takes the oath of office, she’ll be overseeing a multi-layered national crisis left by her predecessor.
Read 31 tweets

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