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Apr 20th 2023
I am going to write part of my (unfinished) story about the K to R transition as a woman in medicine and physician scientist in a multi-disciplinary research space in a tumultuous time. I am oversharing to encourage others in a similar 🚤#medtwitter #IDTwitter #AIMedEd. /1 of 20
I study #drug #allergy. It was the inferior antibiotic choices we made for people with vague antibiotic allergies during my residency @MGHMedicine @mghmedres that initially gave me the idea. Too often the allergy lists were impeding clinical care. /2 of 20
I hypothesized that drug allergies were a problem -- that penicillin allergies alone were linked to important antibiotic stewardship and public health outcomes. I set off to prove this, and address the burden of unclear drug allergies across populations. /3 of 20
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