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Apr 29th 2021
1] Hey @ekisiangani you are a Professor. You teach kids in College. Some pass. Others FAIL. Others over-pass (sic), and join YOU to teach more. Those who can't come back to university, ostensibly because they are LESS CLEVERER (in exams) go into business and politics. Now, think
2] Those who don't over-pass (sic) and join you are currently paying those of YOU who are teaching. You serve one such guy. @WilliamsRuto was NOT a first class. BUT you grovel BEFORE him. Because he turned his averageness (sic) into POWER. See? GRADES DON'T MEAN SHIT! #KoomePASS
3] There is a difference between Learning and being Educated. I bet you KNOW (ABOUT) this. #MarkZuckerberg is NOT a PhD holder. Neither are the #GoogleBoys. NOR is @richardbranson @BillGates or any other WHO-is-WHO in the world of commerce. You berate sb because of an A grade?
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