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Apr 6th 2023
I wrote some threads recently about #fear, and I'd like to return to that topic. one could fill entire bookshelves with treatises on fear.

Western society, however, has not encouraged an understanding of fear. it's easy to see why: understanding fear would lessen it.

and Western politics and leadership and most especially Western *religion*, i.e. Christianity (for the West is hostile to all other religions but Christianity), rely heavily upon fear as their chief tool. the practical psychology of #marketing is largely about fear.

fear furnishes a ready means for *manipulating* people: put a *scare* into people and they panic. they act on fearful impulses, clutching to things for security, behaving in predictable and even ritualized manners that they've learned—coping mechanisms for their fears.

Read 31 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
With the #RESTRICTAct, #Congress wants to continue #Trump's war on #Tiktok, banning the Chinese-owned service. How will they do this? Congress isn't clear. In practice, banning stuff on the internet is hard, especially without a national firewall:… 1/ A modified vintage editoria...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
My guess is that they're thinking of ordering the #mobile #duopoly of @Google and @Apple to nuke the Tiktok app from their app stores. 3/
Read 44 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
Dan Olson ([at] FoldableHuman) recently released another fascinating video, this one about the failed attempt by @facebook / @Meta to hop onto the "virtual reality" bandwagon, a couple of decades too late—for 3D simulated realities are now routine technology.

I've talked about how @elonmusk's daydreams have a fusty, antique quality to them—like some kind of lingering hangover from the days of 1980s science-fantasy movies and the 1990s Internet craze, when people could make quick dirty money simply by grabbing a domain name.

this is one reason I'm always amused to see people like @alx and @jason riding the @elonmusk bandwagon: clearly, these people have _also_ hoped that grabbing a short and catchy username would make them rich. see also Elon Musk's obsession with "X" and "the X App".

Read 9 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
the unseemly rush to shove @sama / @OpenAI / #ChatGPT "artificial general intelligence" into all our products—whether we want #AGI or not, but capitalists don't really care about our desires, only *their* desires—is put into some perspective: it's rebound from @Meta.

with its uncanny instinct for choosing only *stale* ideas to monetize, the #technology / #programming industry decided—for a while—that the next big high-tech thing that EVERYBODY would be forced to love would be "the #metaverse", which already exists in video games.

it also exists in @SecondLife, and in @nealstephenson and who knows how much other science fiction. people have been running around in computer-animated "avatars", of varying degrees of complexity and detail, for decades. @Meta and #MarkZuckerberg were wheel-reinventing.

Read 13 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Following the right founders in #crypto is key

Prof. Dawn Song of @OasisLabs / @OasisProtocol has a background you simply can’t ignore

This is one you need to read⬇️

Mega Thread 🧵

#OasisNetwork $ROSE #BigData #AI #privacy Image
2) Dawn is a world renowned Professor of Computer Science from @UCBerkeley in the US

She has dedicated her career to #blockchain , cyber security, #DataPrivacy and #AI, amongst many other fields

Many believe @dawnsongtweets to be one of the greatest minds in #web3

Here is why
3) To start, Dawn’s educational background:

B.S. from @Tsinghua_Uni - Rank 1 in China
M.S. from @CarnegieMellon
Ph.D from @UCBerkeley - Top 10 in the world

These institutions educated the likes of @stevewoz , @ericschmidt, Xi Jinping and many more

#OasisNetwork $ROSE Image
Read 17 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#geopolitical tedium is not for me. I like the world of ordinary matter and energy (and physics and chemistry and all of it) far too much. I like tools and instruments and equipment, and knowing how to use them. fretting about #Russia or #China is not my highest priority.

yet American #politics and political #media have completely inundated popular culture—because @jack Dorsey and #MarkZuckerberg permitted the politicization of #Internet #socialmedia. on specious grounds they kicked down the door between "public" and "private" online.

now, both @TheDemocrats and the @GOP, both @UKLabour and the @Conservatives, and political parties and political figures all over the world freely do business in full public view; @elonmusk openly conspires with @mtaibbi and @lhfang and @bariweiss in full public view.

Read 22 tweets
Dec 6th 2022
Dr. #AnthonyFauci’s deposition, taken as part of a lawsuit alleging #Collusion between the US government and #BigTech, was released Dec. 5.

Here are some takeaways:…
Dr. #AnthonyFauci relied on others to dismiss #WuhanLabLeak theory.

Just weeks before a paper dismissing the lab leak theory was published, Fauci held a secret phone call with the authors of a paper.…
Despite having communicated repeatedly with the authors, Fauci said he couldn’t recall their names during a White House press conference in April 2020.…
Read 7 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
😱😱😱War Room and Daily Clout teamed up to report on the Pfizer docs and the data is horrifying 1/🧵⬇️ Image
Pfizer and FDA KNEW BY DEC 2020 the shots waned, there was “vax failure” & “covid” was an effect.

In May 2021 Pfizer knew about the heart damage in kids & FDA rolled out the EUA anyway. Parents weren’t made aware til August.
2/🧵⬇️ Image
Pfizer & FDA KNEW MRNA, spike & nanoparticles didn’t stay at the injection site, instead traveling to the bloodstream & to liver, spleen, adrenals, lymph nodes & ovaries.
3/🧵⬇️ Image
Read 38 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
#MarkZuckerberg will nichts anderes als sein eigenes #Paralleluniversum erschaffen. Mit eigener Währung und Regeln. Wenn das qualitätiv so wird, wie sein soziales Netzwerk, dann wird #Mobbing, #Gewalt, #Hetze usw. noch nie so immersiv erlebbar gewesen sein, wie im #Metaverse. 1/6
Wenn er nicht so reich und mächtig wäre, würde man ihn nur auslachen. Jemand der so etwas Gefährliches vor hat und so viel Leid in die existierende Welt gebracht hat, der sollte schleunigst zur vollen Verantwortung verdonnert werden. Aber die Politik schaut weltweit nur zu. 2/6
Politik machen #Boomer. Die haben die #Digitalisierung verpasst. Darum können jetzt dystopische Multimiliardäre frei drehen, Politik beeinflussen, ins All fliegen oder ihre eigene Realität gründen. Jede andere für die Allgemeinheit gefährliche Technologie würde reguliert. 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
@MetaforCreators 1/n
It May be assets, for people, by some numbers. But is Liability For Billions' who are
Facings Survival Problems.
11,610 crores USD is the worth of Mark Zuckerberg
Zuckerberg met with Harvard student Eduardo Saverin, and each of them agreed to invest $1,000 in the site.
@MetaforCreators 2/n
On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched it under the name of "TheFacebook", originally located at Zuckerberg intended to create a website that could connect people around the university › wiki.
Do everyone understand.
@MetaforCreators 3/n
why there is poverty and disparity, results and causes og crimes, fights, atrocities, wars,etc.?
This sheer misused of Artificial Intelligence and Networking System is like
भिंतीला तुमड्या लावणे,
@finkd #MarkZuckerberg
People are using it to pamper EGOs,Settle Scores
Read 6 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will have a new name 'Meta'. The Metaverse aims at creating new virtual reality giving people the power to connect and express more naturally, online.
The defining quality of the metaverse will be a feeling of presence -- like you are right there with another person or in another place. Feeling truly present with another person is the ultimate dream of social technology. That is why we are focused on building this.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
.@Facebook experienced a nearly six-hour outage, the largest outage tracked by Downdetector, yesterday placing blame on a ‘faulty configuration change’
The outage was the second blow to the social media giant in as many days after a whistleblower accused the company of repeatedly prioritizing profit over clamping down on hate speech and misinformation
Frances Haugen, a former product manager on Facebook's civic misinformation team, testified in a congressional hearing.

‘For more than five hours Facebook wasn't used to deepen divides, destabilize democracies and make young girls and women feel bad about their bodies.’
Read 6 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
Read 20 tweets
Apr 29th 2021
1] Hey @ekisiangani you are a Professor. You teach kids in College. Some pass. Others FAIL. Others over-pass (sic), and join YOU to teach more. Those who can't come back to university, ostensibly because they are LESS CLEVERER (in exams) go into business and politics. Now, think
2] Those who don't over-pass (sic) and join you are currently paying those of YOU who are teaching. You serve one such guy. @WilliamsRuto was NOT a first class. BUT you grovel BEFORE him. Because he turned his averageness (sic) into POWER. See? GRADES DON'T MEAN SHIT! #KoomePASS
3] There is a difference between Learning and being Educated. I bet you KNOW (ABOUT) this. #MarkZuckerberg is NOT a PhD holder. Neither are the #GoogleBoys. NOR is @richardbranson @BillGates or any other WHO-is-WHO in the world of commerce. You berate sb because of an A grade?
Read 4 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
♦️Зашто Твитер, Фејсбук и Инстаграм не блокирају налог Председника Русије Владимира Владимировића Путинa⁉️
♦️Одговор је јасан, тај који би то урадио прошао би као Џохар Дудајев и Шамил Басајев‼️
♦️"Зло чинити од зла бранећи се, ту злочинства нема никаквог" @realDonaldTrump ‼️ ImageImageImageImage
♦️#MarkZuckerberg баш глуми мангупа када је @realDonaldTrump у питању. Што сте тако не мангупишe @HassanRouhani⁉️Цуки ево сам питај @HassanRouhani шта би ти урадио да то њему урадиш?
Шпахтлом би те са плочица стругали и скупљали‼️ Ускоро ће вратити Цукија на фабричка подешавања‼️ ImageImageImageImage
♦️Big Tech colluding again‼️
♦️Section 230 protects Big Tech from lawsuits. But it was never supposed to be bulletproof⁉️
♦️Congress must tear up the law that triggered the Internet‼️… Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 27th 2020
1. How the electi0n was st0len in '17' easy pages from #SidneyPowell filing in Michigan.
#Exhibit105 pages 1-4
Direct connection to #Serbia #Iran #BMACapitalManagement #DominionVotingSystems #EdisonResearch #DecisionHQ #Spiderfoot #Robtex @POTUS ImageImageImageImage
2. And now here comes #China
Records of #IPAddresses accessing server #ChinaUnicom even the Dominion domain was registered thru Godaddy to #Hunan China #BMACapitalManagement provides #Iran access to money averting US #sanctions and here is #Scorecard #ACORN #obama #Robtex @POTUS ImageImageImageImage
3. In pages 9-12 of #Exhibit105 enter #Canada with alternate domain #DVScorp redirected to #Beanfield
For those with fatfingers domains like #DVScopr were also used thru #China Dominion "loaned" their intellectual property patents to #HSBCbank in #China selling out USA. @POTUS ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
.@elonmusk surpasses #BillGates to become the world’s second-richest person as #Tesla’s market cap inches closer to $500 billion


By @navdeepyadav321
@elonmusk @navdeepyadav321 After beating #MarkZuckerberg in world rich list ranking — the billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk has now leapfrogged #BillGates to grab the world’s second-richest ranking.

#ElonMusk #Tesla
@elonmusk @navdeepyadav321 Musk’s net worth rose more than $7.2 billion on November 23, driven by another surge in the #Tesla share price, according to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. The current net worth of #ElonMusk stands at $127.9 billion.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
.@ElonMusk is officially richer than #MarkZuckerberg after @Tesla's addition to the S&P 500 sends its stock price soaring

#teslastock #ElonMusk…
@elonmusk @Tesla News of @Tesla's addition to the S&P 500 index sent shares of the automaker soaring on Tuesday, helping further cement chief executive @elonmusk as one of the richest people in the world.

#ElonMusk #teslastock
@elonmusk @Tesla .@elonmusk gained another $12 billion in wealth overnight Tuesday after the announcement of #Tesla's addition to the S&P 500 sent shares surging.

The billionaire takes no salary from his automaker, but owns a majority of its equity.

#ElonMusk #teslastock
Read 7 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
CEOs of Twitter and Facebook, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, to discuss “Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020 Election.”

This is their second hearing in less than a month. #Twitter #Facebook
#Election2020 #USA Image
Watch: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's opening statement at the Senate hearing.

#JackDorsey #Twitter #SenateHearing #Elections2020
Watch: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey talks about how they handled U.S. election related content in his opening statement at the Senate hearing.

#Twitter #JackDorsey #SenateHearing #Election2020
Read 13 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
#Tesla will join the S&P 500 in December after being snubbed earlier this year

#teslastock… Image
#ElonMusk gets richer by $15 billion on #Tesla’s S&P inclusion — set to become the world’s third-richest person, leapfrogging #MarkZuckerberg


By @navdeepyadav321 Image
Billionaire #Tesla CEO is set to become the world’s third-richest person after his net worth rose by over $15 billion in extended trading, on Monday, according to Bloomberg.

#ElonMusk #teslastock
Read 9 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
.@Google, @Facebook & @Twitter CEOs release prepared remarks ahead of a hearing with the Senate Commerce Committee today Image
.@Twitter CEO @jack Dorsey says that only the largest, well-funded tech companies will survive if Section 230 removed Image
.@Facebook CEO #MarkZuckerberg says that the Government should take more active role in regulating tech Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
(1/bot) Let's educated @rahulkanwal, @Chaiti a twitter bot is a s/w ac tht runs on twitter API to perform actions autonomously like your group does.
(2/bot) @thewire_in refers @HindustanTimes quoting 80k fake accounts but there is no mention by meme police about the validity of the numbers in question and to top fake a/c and bots are 2 different topics. Let's not fool us.

(3/bot) As per meme police cyber unit, they have compiled a report wherein, they found hastags relating to SSR being used by foreign countries in foreign languages.
Funny looks, in technical terms we call them spammers.
They should understand the diff.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
#MarkZuckerberg in an interview with #MarquesBrownlee said the following

1. Facebook’s investment in AR and VR
“Our company is probably investing the most in virtual and augmented reality of anyone else in the world,” Zuckerberg told Brownlee.
They went on to discuss a lot about AR as opposed to VR, and the ways in which Facebook are working toward the eventual goal of producing AR glasses. “We have thousands of people working on [AR]  at Facebook,” said Zuckerberg. “Because I just do think this is going to be the ...
next computing platform, even if it takes several years to get there.”

2. Holographic TVs?
“Once we have really good, mature AR glasses, we won’t even necessarily need other kinds of screens anymore,” said Zuckerberg.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
#ICYMI | #ElonMusk has passed #MarkZuckerberg to become the 3rd-richest person in the world… Image
.@elonmusk just reached a new milestone: he became the third-richest person in the world. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO on Monday saw his net worth reach $115.4 billion, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
He is now wealthier than Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has a fortune of $110.8 billion, and comes in behind Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates at No. 2 and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at No. 1, whose fortune has surpassed $200 billion.
Read 9 tweets

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