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Apr 15th 2019… #LastWeekOnNEJM We reviewed the ANNEXA-4 Trial @AHNtoday for #AHNIMRes This trial was conducted to show the effectiveness of Andexanet Alfa as a reversal agent for major bleeds caused by Factor Xa inhibitors @TKapetanos @NEJM @KaminskiMed @Rick_Pescatore
Andexanet alfa is a modified inactive form of human factor Xa designed to bind and sequester factor Xa inhibitor molecules, thereby rapidly reducing anti-factor Xa molecules and activity
#Limitations (#BigLoad): 1) nonrandomized to placebo or another reversal agent 2) unblinded 3) Median age of 77 4) patients variably excluded during the study, ie only ICP bleeds were accepted from July 2016 to August 2017 5) GCS <7 or recent planned surgery were excluded
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