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Sep 17th 2020
#SDG fans will be aware that #GlobalGoalsWeek kicks off tomorrow (and continues until the 26th). #SDGsScotland Image
We thought we would take the opportunity to share some of the great examples of the SDGs in action across Scotland highlighted in our national SDG review: ‘Scotland and the sustainable development goals: a national review to drive action’ #SDGsScotland…
We’ll focus on a couple of the goals each day and tweet a wee summary of some of the stories we featured in the review. #SDGsScotland
Read 40 tweets
Mar 1st 2019
.@SylviaEarle and WCS's @CristianSamper are at the United Nations this morning to talk about #WorldWildlifeDay. This year, it's all about #LifeBelowWater. Image
“Today’s focus on #LifeBelowWater requires us to reflect on the grave crisis facing the ocean, and to recognize the imperative to act decisively and boldly to save it for the sake of the planet,” WCS’s @CristianSamper tells the @UN. #WWD2019 ImageImage
Despite a dire picture for the ocean today, change is taking place. "I remain optimistic," says @CristianSamper. Includes increasing awareness and actions to mitigate our impacts. #WorldWildlifeDay @WCSocean Image
Read 3 tweets

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