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Jul 19th 2020
Is it merely a co-incidence that everything around #KedarnathTemple swept away in devastating flood yet the 8th century main structure of holy shrine is still standing tall?

I penned down this piece 7yrs ago almost same time & the thoughts cant be more relevant than today.

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Jun13. Cloud busted & hills around were falling apart, concrete structure knocked down like castle of cards, a boulder, tons in weight & meters in height,hurtling down almost everything, not just halt but also created a natural shield to protect temple from furious Mandakini?
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#SushantSinghRajput's #Kedarnath briefed this part in climax. No less than a sci-fi, was it quantum physics or water mechanics.. or some unknown power wiped up all encroachment of human greed but kept the Holy Dham doors open seeking just a 'renovation'?

Shiva, is that you?

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