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Feb 2nd 2023
One of the challenges we run into occasionally in the messaging and research side of our work is that when we describe in plain language what Rs are doing, it sounds so cartoonishly evil that voters flat don't believe it. Quick šŸ§µon #RepublicanTaxHeist strategy.
So far, #MAGAMcCarthy has been pretty cagey about where he's headed. At least publicly. He's hemmed in by his tiny, wafer-thin majority, and has reportedly made all sorts of secret back room deals with the extremists he needs to keep on board to keep his ship (barely) afloat.
We know the basic outline of the scam -

1ļøāƒ£ Pass giveaways to the rich like the Trump tax cuts to blow holes in the budget
2ļøāƒ£Use ā€œthe deficitā€ to force cuts
3ļøāƒ£Blame Democrats, gay people, immigrants, and "woke" for the mess

But we do know some specifics, from three sources.
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