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Aug 11th 2020
NEW: Latest absentee ballot stats in today's #mnprimary, as of this morning:

-462,802 ballots returned and accepted

-644,420 ballots requested

-72% rate of return
Early voting alone in the 2020 primary (462,802) easily exceeds the total number of votes cast in the 2016 primary (294,747).
Hennepin County accounts for 35% of the statewide total of returned absentee ballots.

Lots of competitive races in the county: Ilhan Omar faces Antone Melton-Meaux in #MN05, two DFL state lawmakers face strong challengers, and there's an open Minneapolis City Council seat.
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Mar 1st 2020
Recent history:

2000 Republican Party primary runner up: John McCain.

2008 Democratic Party primary runner up: Hillary Clinton.

2008 Republican Party primary runner up: Mitt Romney.

What do these 3 have in common? They were the nominee for their party in the next open
primary election. McCain in 2008. Romney in 2012. Clinton in 2016. What else do all three have in common? They lost the general election.

If history repeats itself in 2020, Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic Party nominee and he will lose the general election. Let's not
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