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Apr 21st 2022
As an avid #MTGpioneer gamer, here's a quick info thread about the upcoming #Explorer format

Pio includes RTR forward, but Arena only includes Ixalan forward, so lots of relevant Pio sets are missing:

RTR block
Theros block
BFZ block
Shadows block
Kaladesh block

Off the top of my head, some relevant Pioneer cards that will be missing from the format are:

delve cards
Lightning Axe
Hidden Strings
Elvish Mystic
Day's Undoing
Supreme Verdict ImageImageImageImage
The Kaladesh Remastered set added lots of the relevant Kaladesh block cards to Arena, including the enemy-color fastlands and Fatal Push ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
Oko, Thief of Crowns and Nexus of Fate are banned in Pioneer. #MTG #MTGPioneer… Image
Simic Food Ramp had a nearly 60% win rate over the last few weeks! #MTG #MTGPioneer Image
Looks like Nexus of Fate—aside from being miserable to play against—is splash damage for weakening Simic Ramp. #MTG #MTGPioneer Image
Read 3 tweets

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