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Feb 2nd 2021
I'm doing #MWE this year. each day in February an album I've never listened to before, reviewed in a tweet. I'll thread them so you can see what nonsense I've listened to...
#MWE 1st Feb "High Fidelity (A Taste of Stereo Sound)"

1st release on Sainsburys own record label(!) attempts to catch sound feel of a hi-fi shop demonstration in 1970s. It's all about separation, tone and anti static cloths. Best song? Perhaps 'This is Tomorrow' by Bryan Ferry
#MWE 2nd Feb "Fingerbobs Original Soundtrack"

'These hands were made for making and that's what they must do'. Melancholy from crossover between bleak british folk and paper based children's programming. If you grew up before 1990 in UK, this is the craft fabric of childhood
Read 4 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
#MWE Day 1: Alicia Keys - Alicia

Luv this album. The tiny desk version of 'show me love' is solid gold...

Fav songs:
'Wasted Energy"
'Show Me Love'
'Gramercy Park'
'Jill Scott' Image
#MWE Day 2: Bby Mutha - Muthaland

Muthaland slaps you in the face with it's lyrics. Just how I like my rap raw, busy and raunchy.

(future trap)

Fav songs:
Nice Guy (ft. Yung Baby Tate)
Spirit of Suzie
Spooky Mutha Mansion Image
#MWE Day 3: Michael Jackson - Xscape

This album had me jamming from the moment I pressed play. Wouldn't expect anything less from Michael.
Xscape includes previously unreleased, remastered tracks that were recorded between 1980 - 1999.

Loving You
Blue Gansta
Read 29 tweets
Nov 20th 2020
My dudes, these #HDLS14 talks/posters are so good (per uzhe, yoozh? yuzh?) I'm doing a terrible job of retweeting/threading talks/posters without the structure of synchronous talks, but I've watched SEVERAL. So here is an attempt to put them in a thread.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 30th 2020
I started @noyokono's Music Writer Exercise (MWE) last year, but didn't get to finish it because reasons. So, I'm going to try again.

Every day this February, I'm going to listen to an album I haven't heard yet and write a tweet about it on this thread. Wish me luck. Image
@noyokono 1. The opening to Blue Lab Beats' "Voyage" is the same key as Daft Punk's "Voyager" and conjures the same feeling of shuttling into outer space. But @Sampa_The_Great's flow jolts you awake, with the rest of the album slowly cradling you back down to earth.…
@noyokono @Sampa_The_Great 2. (day late) Sinead Harnett's "Lessons in Love," like many good albums, makes its core subject matter clear within the first minute. But then the rest of the album feels almost *too* straightforward given its focus on love, a highly mysterious topic. #MWE…
Read 15 tweets
Feb 8th 2019
ok catch-up thread:
#MWE day 5—listening through J Dilla's posthumous "Motor City" feels like looking at a mantelpiece full of old photographs, permanent representations of faintly heart-throbbing, swiftly-fading memories from simpler times.
faves: "Motor City 3," "Motor City 13" Image
#MWE day 6: @Emilykingmusic's "Scenery" effortlessly blends earthy old-school grooves with vocal melodies and harmonies so delicate, you could be sprint-walking through the frenzied streets of NYC and still feel like you're floating on a cloud.
faves: "Look At Me Now," "Marigold" Image
#MWE day 7: growing up practicing hours of piano daily, i was one of the few in my social group who found pure calm in the most cerebral. Nujabes' posthumous "Spiritual State" immediately brought me back to that state of mind.
faves: "City Lights," "Rainyway Back Home," "Island" Image
Read 3 tweets

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