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Jan 13th 2023

#मगध 1⃣

मगध के राजवंश

1. महाराजा मगध :-

राजा मगध ने मगध साम्राज्य की स्थापना की।

2. महाराजा सुधन्वा :- कुरु द्वितीय का पुत्र सुधन्वा अपने मामा महाराजा मगध के बाद मगध का राजा बना।
सुधन्वा राजा मगध का भतीजा था।

3. महाराजा सुधनु

4. महाराजा प्रारब्ध
5. महाराजा सुहोत्र
6. महाराजा च्यवन
7. महाराजा चवाना
8. महाराजा कृत्री
9. महाराजा कृति
10. महाराजा क्रत
11. महाराजा कृतग्य
12. महाराजा कृतवीर्य
13. महाराजा कृतसेन
14. महाराजा कृतक
15. महाराजा प्रतिपदा
16. महाराजा उपरिचर वसु :- बृहद्रथ के पिता

और राजवंश के अंतिम राजा थे।

बृहद्रथ राजवंश:-

वृहद्रथ वंश➡वृहद्रथ का पुत्र जरासंध एक शक्तिशाली राजा था।

➡जरासंध की पुत्रियों अस्ति और प्राप्ति का विवाह कंस के साथ हुआ था।जरासंध के मरणोपरांत मगध का शासन -- जरासंध के पुत्र सहदेव को भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने कार्यभार सौंपा।

(3/600) ImageImage
Read 318 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
European traveller Marshall had mentioned that even the traders of the far-flung Tatar desh used to come to the #SonepurMela to deal in commerce.

Do you know the fair was not always held here at Sonepur? A thread 👇 (1)
The period of the inception of the Sonepur fair, also known as Harihar Kshetra Mela, is shrouded in obscurity. Some trace it back to the 4th century BC Mauryan period.

Previously the fair was held at Hajipur (Ramchaura) and only oblation was offered to the deity at Sonepur. (2)
There is a description of #SonepurFair by M. Wilson in his Memoir on Bihar, which was written in 1852. He has written that one could buy from the canvas-made-shop the commodities of Manchester, Buckingham, Delhi, Kanpur, Afghanistan and Kashmir, etc. (3)
Read 10 tweets
Oct 1st 2021
Here is the thread🧵of

8⃣ #priceactions lessons which I learned by my 6⃣ years of experiences.

U can apply it any type of stocks.

It is mainly work in bull market 📈👇

Give love 💗 if it enhanced your knowledge 📚🙏

🌟Lesson 1 - if stocks in range for many years then weekly /monthly breakout push stock price 30/50% higher in 2/3 weeks/months

Ex- #sastasundar after breakout 145/155 zone , stocks in 2/3 weeks given 30/40% return.

And in 2/3 months it was double 💞

Same - #balrampurchini ImageImage
🌟Lesson 2 - if stock is making same pattern ( in 2 /3hours chart) after given breakout of (weekly /monthly chart) , then chances of stock going up is much more.

Ex - #HGS after given breakout of Trendline ( range) in monthly chart, again making same pattern 4 hours chart. 💞 ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
🌟Lesson 1 - weekly /monthly breakout push stock price 30/50% higher in 2/3 weeks.

Ex- #sastasundar after breakout 145/155 zone , stocks in 2/3 weeks given 30/40% return.

And in 2/3 months it was double 💞
🌟Lesson 2 - if stock is making same pattern ( in 2 /3hours chart) after given breakout of (weekly /monthly chart) , then chances of stock going up is much more.

Ex - #HGS after given breakout of Trendline ( range) in monthly chart, again making same pattern 4 hours chart. 💞
🌟Lesson 3- if stock never come to retest it's weekly & monthly breakout zone then the chances of it's 2x is much more.

EX - #happiestmind everytime consolidating & making new high. 💞

Read 9 tweets

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