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May 10th 2021
1. Knowledgeable people describe the secret of #MamtaDidi's winning formula in #BengalElections
"Club Culture of Bengal"

There is a club in almost every village & urban locality in Bengal whereby a group of 20-25 unemployed youth is formed; Each one gets 3000 ₹ month from TMC.
2.Most of these clubs act as gambling dens. They also have indoor games like carrom, ludo, playing cards etc.
These games are used for attracting the youth of the area.

Lotteries also sold thru these clubs.
Every year ₹ 50000 given to every club in the name of "cultural work"
3. On behalf of TMC government, these 25 boys keep an eye on 200-300 houses;
Each boy monitors at least 12 homes.
Each youngster gets party flag & keeps hawk like watch to ensure that others in team not bought over by rivals.

Swift punishment if anyone found shifting loyalty
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