Madhu Purnima Kishwar Profile picture
FACTARIAN-Author of Modi, Muslims & Media; The Girl from Kathua: A Sacrificial Victim of Gazwa-e Hind; Deepening Democracy; Zealous Reformers& Deadly Laws etc..
9 subscribers
Mar 1 6 tweets 3 min read
1. Finally, the parasitic & subversive organisations called NGOs instituted by the American Deep State are being exposed by @realDonaldtrump courtesy @elonmusk .
Since I witnessed from close their corrupt shenanigans from 1970's onward, I developed a visceral hated for not only the term NGO, but also all those who ran such rackets.
Therefore, the exposes by Elon Musk are music to my ears.
What was my lone battle against NGOs for decades is now going to become MAINSTREAM. Hear what Musk has to say before I explain my critique of NGOs.…

Musk declared that the term NGO is actually an “oxymoron” because these so-called nongovernmental organizations are funded directly by the government. “The whole NGO thing is a nightmare. And it’s a misnomer because if you have a government-funded nongovernmental organization, you’re simply a government-funded organization. It’s an oxymoron,” Musk explained. 2. They call themselves "non-profit" organizations, when their only mission is to gobble huge amounts of money from suspicious sources or the govt for doing mostly subversive work.

Upto 1970's, they used to be called Voluntary Organisations (VOs). At that time I would laugh at the VO leaders saying, 'you draw five star salaries for yourself while giving regular salaries to your staff, while pursuing agendas set by your funders abroad, then why pretend your work is "voluntary"?
Without handsome allowances and opportunities for free global jet setting, you won't move an inch!

In no time, the nomenclature was changed to NGOs --(non-Governmental organisations!
Musk is right in saying, if the money is coming from the Govt, why the farce of pretending you are independent of the govt?

In the case of India, the farce is even more sinister.
Those who get money from foreign agencies of the Deep State calling themselves 'non government" simply means they are set up to subvert the Govt of India !
Dec 1, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
1. देखिए, #MasterScamster_पुष्पेंद्रकुलश्रेष्ठ हर बारात का दूल्हा कैसे बन जाता है!

हाल ही में पुष्पेन्द्र कुलश्रेष्ठ ने बहुत बेशर्मी से 50 करोड़ रुपये के donations की जो अपील पोस्ट की, उसे सुनकर मुझे तो उल्टी आ गई,क्यूँकि इस अपील में इस ठगी मास्टर ने @Vishnu_Jain1 को भी लपेट लिया!… via @YouTube

विष्णु जी अभी तक यह धर्म और देश द्रोही अपनी ग़रीबी का हवाला देकर, फ़र्ज़ी गुरुकुल के नाम पर, Article 370 हटवाने का झूठा श्रेय लेते हुए इत्यादि इत्यादि, सैकड़ों-करोड़ों रुपये उगाही कर चुका है।इसीलिए विदेशी वेबसाइट पर इसका नाम "high net worth " व्यक्तियों के श्रेणी में शामिल हो चुका है! और करोड़ों रुपया ग़बन के अपराध में इस नटवरलाल के ऊपर कुछ एक केस भी दर्ज किए गए। उनमें से सबसे मशहूर Press Club में क़रीब दो करोड़ हेराफेरी का केस भी शामिल है।

अब यह आपकी काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर की क़ानूनी लड़ाई के नाम पर अपील करते हुए कह रहा है कि विष्णु शंकर जैन इतने गरीब हैं कि आपके पास काशी जाने के लिए केवल ट्रेन की टिकट होती है, वह भी unconfirmed!

विष्णु जी, कृपया स्पष्ट कीजिए, क्या आपने इस दुष्टात्मा को आपके नाम पर फण्ड इकट्ठा करने की इजाज़त दी है? या यह बिना आपकी इजाज़त के आपके नाम का इस्तेमाल कर रहा है? 2. @Pushpendraamu काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर की क़ानूनी लड़ाई के नाम पर कह रहा है कि यदि 10 लाख सनातनी हिंदू प्रति व्यक्ति मात्र 500 रुपया भी दे दे तो "हमारा काम चल सकता है" ।
यानि इस बार सीधा टारगेट है कम से कम 50 करोड़ रुपये इकट्ठा करना है, वह भी एक ही झटके में!
कइयों ने बहुत बड़ी राशि भी दे डाली।
@Vishnu_Jain1 जी, यह फ़रेबी आपका पार्टनर कैसे और कब से बन गया?

क्या यह आपको अपनी फ़र्ज़ी टीम में शामिल करने का ढोंग आपकी इजाज़त के बिना कर रहा है, जैसे किसी समय पुष्पेन्द्र कुलश्रेष्ठ Article 370 याचिका के मूल petitioner --We The Citizens के founder, श्री संदीप कुलकर्णी को अपनी टीम का हिस्सा बता कर सारा श्रेय ख़ुद claim करने लगा था और डोनेशन भी ख़ुद के लिए बटोरने लगा।

और जब कुलकर्णी जी ने विरोध किया तो एकायक उनकी रहस्यमयी मृत्यु हो गई। उस वक्त कुलकर्णी जी के संगठन के कई व्यक्तियों ने खुलकर पुष्पेन्द्र जी को उस मौत का ज़िम्मेदार ठहराया था।
29th जुलाई 2018 को हिंदू महासभा की जम्मू यूनिट ने अपनी कन्वेंशन यह resolution पारित किया था कि संदीप कुलकर्णी जी के "क़त्ल" की CBI जाँच हो। उस वक्त हिंदू महासभा के कार्य कर्तायों ने पुष्पेन्द्र पर ही आरोप लगाया था।
नीचे दिये गये लिंक पर आपको evidence समेत तथ्य मिल जाएँगे।…

नीचे दी गई तस्वीर पुष्पेन्द्र जी के victim धार्मिक योद्धा संदीप कुलकर्णी की है।Image
Nov 22, 2024 16 tweets 12 min read
Another Sinister Fraud by #PushpendraKulshreshtha near Pakistan Border in Jammu:

@Pushpendraamu ji, Why have you been raking in crores of rupees in the name of a Gurukul whereas what you & your partner in crime, Vishal Gupta , are running is a run-of-the-mill English medium school close to Indo-Pak border ?

Witnessing the frauds you played on gullible Hindus, most of your earlier associates have distanced themselves from you. However, there is one man who still stands by you. His name is Vishal Gupta. He seems to be an active partner in your dark deeds. He showed rare bravado by targeting me for malicious attacks in response to my earlier thread of tweets posing uncomfortable questions to you.Image
2. Vishal Gupta is listed as one of the Directors of an English medium public school. Its name, "KIDZEE JOURIAN, The Royal Indian School", seems to have some kind of secret deal with you and is, therefore, steeped in dishonest intent as the following facts reveal.

“KIDZEE JOURIAN” refers to the fact that this school is a franchisee of ZEE business-group-owned chain of schools and is located in Jourian, a small town in Akhnoor tehsil of Jammu province, very close to the ultra-sensitive Indo-Pak border.Image
Sep 7, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
1. BEWARE! #WaqfAmendmentBill_2024 is a LETHAL TRAP by the Govt of Mard-e-Mujahid!

Waqf Act is Land Jihad in action at the service of Ghazwa-e-Hind.
Today, there is palpable outrage and a LOUD DEMAND by a growing body of Hindus ALL OVER INDIA that the Legal Monstrosity called Waqf Act, should be SCRAPPED,
Modi Govt's devious move to amend the Waqf law amounts to giving legal legitimacy to the lawless Act.

No other countries in the world--not even #LunacyInfestedPakistanOrBangladesh have such a noxious law.
#NationaliseWaqfLands 2. Let's consider the following scenario:
Allah-Vaadeez are taught that all Kafir women deserve to be treated as Maal-e-Ghanimat !
This means that to abduct, r@pe and turn Kafir women into zex slaves is the rightful conduct for Muzzbeez.

Furthermore, Muzzbeez are taught that it is perfectly legitimate to have sex with one's sisters and even mothers.
Read my Open Letter to AIMPLB on this issue:

This is Sharia for them, which is ABOVE the laws of the land & the Constitution of India.
The fact that AIMPLB did not dare respond or deny the facts stated in my Open Letter, indicates that they do not have any defence in the matter.

Would Hindus agree to have such provisions of Sharia being made part of Indian law, even in an amended form?
Merely amending these provisions would amount to endorsing and legitimizing horrific crimes like abduction, rape, sex slavery and incest.

Same with the trap laid out by Mard-e Mujahid to amend the Waqf Act.
Sep 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
1. The Second Manipuri Hindu family that I am supporting is that of 11 year old WAIKHOM BIDYA CHANU.Image
2. Bidya's father, Waikhom Nanao Meitei has been reported missing since the violence by Christian Kuki terrorists on 3rd May 2023, leaving his family without any support since he was the only income earner in the family.
Her mother died while she was very young.
Armed terrorists belonging to the Christian Kuki community, burnt their house and all the belongings without any provocation, as part of the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Manipur.

Further, the miscreants chased them with continuous gun firing in order to kill them.
While her family fled to save their lives, in the commotion they lost connection with her father.
They have thus far not even been able to find his dead body.
Aug 8, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
1. Indira Gandhi's active role in creating Bangladesh was a Disastrous Move for India!

Please follow this thread with an open mind since it challanges conventional wisdom regarding the birth of Bangladesh.

I have always held that Indira Gandhi caused irrevocable harm to India, especially Hindus of the sub-continent, by acting as the midwife for the birth of a new monster called Bangladesh.

Sadly, naïve Hindus hailed Indira as a modern day Durga for that suicidal intervention because we tend to fall for pious, jingoistic slogans .

From Nehru onwards, our prime ministers ( barring Lal Bahadur Shastri) have played the geo-political power game very clumsily. They lacked basic understanding of Islam and seemed oblivious of factors that weaken India. 2. Helping Muslims of East Pakistan to create a new nation called Bangladesh, which has nothing Bengali about it, was disastrous for the following reasons:

Pakistan was being bled economically by trying to maintain its hold over East Pakistan as a colony, whose people it despised as a lower species. By freeing East Pakistan as a separate nation, India eased Pakistan's economic burden;
May 7, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
1. This is the first time you have spoken the truth without introducing misleading facts & distortions @dhruv_rathee

I had been involved with #SaveGangaCampaign since 1990s. In 2018, when #SwamiSanand ( Prof GD Agarwal) went on fast unto death to remind the govt of its promises with regard to saving Ma Ganga, I personally called @PMOIndia @narendramodi as well as @nitinGadkari ji and pleaded that they accept the very reasonable demands to save #MaGanga which had been declared as the National River by Dr Manmohan Singh led govt.

I was deeply distressed by the callous indifference of PMO & inability to help expressed by Mr Gadkari.
I condsider this one of the many Unforgiveable Crimes committed by Narendra Modi.

Modi ji remained totally indifferent even when Swami Sanand died after 111 days of fasting. 2. By contrast, in 2010, the outcome of Swami Sanand's fast was very different.
Our #SaveGangaAbhiyan under the leadership of #Swami_Avimukteshwaranand, now Shankracharya of @jyotirmathah was able to get the UPA govt to agree to two major demands:
1. UPA Scrapped the Loharinagpala Dam, even though it was already midway. This was the first time in the world that a hydro electric dam had been scrapped mid-way by an official order.
2. Declare 135 kms of Bhagirathi river flow from Gomukh to Uttarkashi as "eco-sensitive zone" where no further dams would ever be allowed.
3. UPA govt also agreed to decalre Ma Ganga as our national River.
Several other demands, such as 'Stop Mixing Sewers with River'remained pending.

Here is my report of one such meeting I organized at CSDS presided over by #Shankracharya_Avimukteshwaranand ji at CSDS, where I was a professor at that time.
Another important two day round table-- was organized by me at Teen Murti House, Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, thanks to the then director Dr Mridula Mukherjee.

This too was presided over by Shankracharya Avimukteshwranand ji of @jyotirmathah…
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1. विश्व की सबसे बड़ी और सबसे अधिक शेखी बघारने वाली पार्टी, नूपुर शर्मा जैसी अपनी प्रवक्ता को पार्टी से निलम्बित कर कतर जैसे देशों के घुटने टेकती है।
भाजपा नेता नवीन जिंदल का तो expel करके भेड़ियों के आगे फेंक दिया!
टी राजा जैसे नेता को उसके संकट काल में निकाल दिया!

लेकिन… 2. लेकिन खेड़ा की पार्टी अपने प्रवक्ता के लिए चट्टान की तरह खड़ी है, सुप्रीम कोर्ट पहुंच कर
विश्व गुरु बनने की शेखी बघारने वाली पार्टी के नेतृत्व को आईना दिखा दिया,

खेड़ा तो छोड़ो, Teesta Setalvad जैसी भ्रष्ट और पिशाच महिला के लिये भी सबसे नामी वकीलों की फ़ौज खड़ी कर देती है
Jan 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Simple to explain:

1. Americans identified great potential in Narendra Modi very early on.
2. They took him to US for leadership trainingS;
3.Americans kept in touch with him 4investments etc when Modiji became CM
4. Yet denied visa” &allowed US media, academia to demonize him 5. Demonization of Modi by US media,academia,US funded NGO activists continued when he stood for PM post;

6. Denial of USVisa was flaunted repeatedly even tho Americans were readying to welcome him aa PM;

7. Soon as Modiji became PM, he promptly accepted invite to visit US!!
Jun 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1. This ancestry of #Teesta explains a lot:

Ambashankar Setalvad - *great great great grandfather* of Teesta was Registrar in British East India Company

Harilal Setalvad, great great grandfather* , "Rai Saheb" title awarded by the British Crown for extracting taxes from slaves 2. Chimanlal Setalvad, *great grandfather* , exonerated General Dyer of the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre

Javed,husband,accused of embezzling funds collected in name of riot victims, case ongoing.

Targets wealthy & ambitious Hindu women so he can live off wife’s family as GharJamai
Sep 14, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
1. MANUSHI Vindicated yet again.
On Sep 13,2021, I had published an article addressed to the Home Minister:
"Dangerous to Outsource Police Reforms to Foreign Funded NGOs".…
In this I focused on two major NGOs: Indian Police Foundation & well-heeled #CHRI 2. Thankfully, MHA has suspended FCRA approval of #CHRI which is also linked to Urban Naxal news portal,The Wire.
Apart from getting crores from dubious foreign agencies, #CHRI is a sepoy of The Open Society set up by notorious tycoon,George Soros
Sep 5, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
1. जब से हमने #गुरुपरम्परा त्याग,teachers से सीखना शुरू किया, तभी से हमारे देश की आध्यात्मिक,scientific, सांस्कृतिक,राजनैतिक,आर्थिक,सामाजिक और धार्मिक दुर्गति शुरू हो गयी।
पूरी ज़िंदगी किसी teacher ने ज्ञान प्रदान नहीं किया हालाँकि मैं elite स्कूल्ज़,कॉलेज,universitiesमें पढ़ी 2. सरकारी curriculum ने जो भी मस्तिष्क में कचरा भरा उसको ख़ुद ही निकाल फेंकना पड़ा।
और किताबी ज्ञान की बजाय common sense, folk memory और जीवन ज्ञान का सहारा लिया क्यूँकि सरकारी मान्यता प्राप्त किताबी ज्ञान तो ज़हरीला निकला।
Teachers का भी दोष नहीं। वे भी system के victims हैं
Aug 16, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1. Exchange with doctor during viral fever:
Dr: For fever take paracetamol.
Me: But paracetamol is banned in US etc
Dr. Do u live in the US?
Me: No, I live in Delhi
Dr. Then why worry? It's banned for America coz they've gastritis problem.
Me: But I too have acidity problems 2.And these acdity problems were caused by allopathic medicines.
Dr then names another fever reducer.
Me: But u just told me viral runs its course in 5-6 days. And I've heard leading heart surgeon Dr BM Hegde warn against pain killers & fever downers
Dr. Then do as you will
May 30, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
1. Why no protest from 3 lakh members of #IMA against #DrJayalal who regards the Indian Medical Association as springboard for him to share “love of Jesus Christ”& be “living witness to God & encourage young medical students & doctors to receive Jesus as their personal saviour” 2."Christian compassion, Christian doctors & churches relieved world from lethal maladies such as leprosy, cholera & other pandemics in the past. "

Will #IMA members remind them of epidemics used by missionaries to wipe out native populations in N America,New Zealand,Australia
May 11, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
1. Too many naive #Libtards have started projecting #JihadiMamta as best one for PM candidate to trounce @narendramodi in 2024
This amounts to ballooning in cloud cuckoo land.
She is too parochial. Her appeal can't go beyond lumpenized youth & Macaulay Putras &Putris of Bengal. 2. After watching several of his interviews, my gut feeling is:One who can give tough challange to @narendramodi in 2024 &may even bring him down is @PrashantKishor
My reasons:
1. He is very earthy &yet very sophisticated.
2. Is outperforming Modi in tuning to pulse of people
May 10, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
1. Knowledgeable people describe the secret of #MamtaDidi's winning formula in #BengalElections
"Club Culture of Bengal"

There is a club in almost every village & urban locality in Bengal whereby a group of 20-25 unemployed youth is formed; Each one gets 3000 ₹ month from TMC. 2.Most of these clubs act as gambling dens. They also have indoor games like carrom, ludo, playing cards etc.
These games are used for attracting the youth of the area.

Lotteries also sold thru these clubs.
Every year ₹ 50000 given to every club in the name of "cultural work"
May 1, 2021 4 tweets 5 min read
1. Whoever wins or loses #BengalElections2021, consequences likely 2b cataclysmic

If #JihadiMamta loses, Izlamists, Commies,X'tians with full backing of Deep State &hostile foreign powers may create mayhem,riots & blame @narendramodi for #Genocide

#GenocideScript already honed 2. If #JihadiMamta wins #BengalElections2021, Bengal will be another #Papistan in 10 years
She will facilitate further Islamization in the name of #Sickularism & defeating "Hindu Fascism".
Kolkatta Bhadralok too Dhimmified to offer resistance.
Will quietly follow Paki Agenda
Apr 28, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
1. Since you know very little about your mazhab,the website will help you enormously since it quotes original sources: Quran, Hadees etc & provides honest account of the life of Mohammad ji
It also bursts all the MYTHS about Islam 2. Start with these chapters on the Life of Mohammad ji…………
Apr 27, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
1. Why is @IndianExpress allowing @SameenaDalwai to distort & msinterpret Islam in this brazen manner? She should be better informed about her mazhab?
Or is this case of deliberate #Taqiya?… 2. @SameenaDalwai,prof at law #JindalGlobalLawSchool, should know that in Internet & @Google age, even if she hasn't read the Quran, Hadees &Life of Mohammad ji, countless #Kafirs have done so in order to understand what enables this deadly mazhab to be so powerful &expansive
Apr 19, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1#MacaulayiteEducation has produced generations of self loathing Hindus who can only think of Bharat in terms of "social evils.
They attribute to Hindu culture even those pathologies that came to us thru barbaric foreigners, be it misogynist Jihadi invaders or prudish Victorians 2.Makers of #AhilayabaiHolkar for @SonyTV better know Islamists &British destroyed India's indigenous education system with extensive schooling of girls

Bharat used to produce countless Gargis, Maitreyis, learned women, scholars

@SonyTV read Dharampal ji 'THE BEAUTIFUL TREE
Mar 21, 2021 6 tweets 6 min read
1. For decades #MumbaiPolice & politicians ran protection rackets 4 mafia dons including Dawood.

Now Mafia Dons propped up by #PakISI have become PROTECTORS of Mumbai cops & political dons #VazegateDebate @republic 2. In recent years,#PakISI started dictating even political agenda

Hence SharadPawar & ParambirSingh’s involvement in Hindu Terror #FakeNarrative, incarceration of Col Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya & others.

Getting more brazen: Now targeting #MukeshAmbani at China's behest