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Dec 8th 2017
Marinus told his mom about me. He made it clear that we were courting - he had already given me a promise ring - and that we would be getting married in 2004.
I told my mom about Marinus.
They were both very shocked. It was 2001 and everyone had 3 years to sort themselves out
Marinus' brothers are cool. He is the third born of four boys. There was obviously that initial shock and then everything was okay.
There was however one person who was not happy with the latest developments - farmer cousin from #Marikana ...
Farmer cousin from #Marikana called Marinus and requested a meeting in Marikana. I was like "oh hell NO!" People 'disappear'. We all know this. I told Marinus to tell farmer cousin that they could meet at Haarties - and Paul his older brother was also coming ...
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