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Mar 13th 2020
Thread: I've heard from a few EM people that they're on board with the idea of moving to June 1 as the candidate's reply date. Understandably, they have some stuff to line up before they announce.

But mostly, the silence has been telling. So let me lecture a bit about this.
First, as I have said for years, May 1 is not really about protecting students. If it were, June 1 would be an easy and obvious choice.

May 1 is to protect the highly selective institutions from competition: They like May 1 because it allows them to be deliberate in process...
...while protecting them from competitors down the foodchain who might decide April 15th is better.

It also allows them time in the other direction to manage waitlists (but the idea of one of them going deep in a WL has been a quaint concept in recent years.)
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