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The next entry in our #Midnights lyrical analysis series is the underrated masterpiece closer, Dear Reader! We will discuss how this song integrates the evolution of Taylor's self-image and public persona, as well as the thematic parallels to the 1989/Rep era transition. A 🧵:
1) "Dear reader, if it feels like a trap, you're already in one." This line sets up the format of the entire song: a letter of advice from Taylor to the consumers of her songwriting craft. By starting on a note of caution, she creates an immediately uneasy mood for her listeners.
2) This line transports us to her previous cautionary works about the untrustworthy, deceitful members of the world: the "nemeses," the "king of thieves," the "narcissists" and "playboys." But this line also perfectly sets up the double meaning that runs through the entire song.
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Next up in our #Midnights lyrical analysis series is...Maroon! This deep dive will focus on Taylor's use of highly sensory imagery to both convey the complexities of an intense, raw, flawed relationship and provide a mature contrast to the themes explored in the Red Album. A 🧵: Image
1) Before we start the Maroon analysis, it is important to consider where we left off with Red. The album's themes are well encapsulated in the title track, in which Taylor consistently depicts love as a a wild, high-stakes, emotionally fraught, "burning" force, built to consume.
2) Love was the rush of a high-speed Maserati, culminating in a violent crashing halt on a dead-end street. Love was the brilliant blazing color of autumn leaves, followed by a sudden demise in the dead of winter. Love was an all-consuming emotional experience.
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Your English Crash Course - The Taylor Swift Edition

Learn 14 figures of speech through these lyrics by Taylor Swift. A Thread:
1. ALLITERATION - Repetition of the beginning sounds of neighbouring words.

Everyday example: “I’m busy as a bee!”

Taylor Swift example:
2. ASSONANCE - Repetition of vowel sounds that are close together

Everyday example: “fish and chips” (the -i sound)

Taylor Swift example:
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