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Mar 21st 2023
🚀 Hold on tight, because we're about to take you on an epic journey through the incredible success story of @InMobi – India's FIRST unicorn! 🦄 Get ready to be inspired and amazed! #InMobiSuccessStory #IndiaUnicorns
💡Did you know that InMobi was founded in 2007 by a group of ambitious entrepreneurs with a vision to revolutionize the mobile advertising industry? That's right – Naveen Tewari, Mohit Saxena, Amit Gupta, and Abhay Singhal paved the way for the Indian startup scene.
In just a few short years,InMobi became India's first-ever unicorn, valued at over $1 billion.And that was just the beginning – today, they're a global leader in mobile advertising,with over 1 billion users and partnerships with major brands. Talk about taking the world by storm!
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