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Jun 18th 2022
This Hijabi🧕says “Give Muslims 1 hour & not one Hindu (Sanghi) will be alive, Muslims are ready for it”

Is @tnpoliceoffl is she arrested or you are waiting for her to attack?


Dear @BJP4TamilNadu I am certain @arivalayam will hesitate to take action against their vote bank. Can we expect you guys to get her arrested?

Please save Hindus 🙏🏼

Cc @CTR_Nirmalkumar @annamalai_k @SuryahSG
I wonder what was CONgress’s Nehru and Gandhi logic in not doing a complete exchange of population when partition happened in religious grounds.

They saw how Muslims slaughtered Hindus and burnt everything. How can these people be this naive? Or was it part of Gawaz E Hind plan?
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