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Dec 6th 2022
Eftersom vår skolchef och rektor på Nya Raketskolan vägrar ta situationen på allvar och menar att vi bara känner oss utarbetade tänkte jag dela med mig mer utförligt om hur jag upplever och tänker kring kaoset.

Jag lägger till mer allt eftersom. Sprid gärna. Förändring!
Lärare är av uppenbara anledningar ständigt sjuka. Många av oss jobbar oss igenom sjukan medan andra blir så pass dåliga att deras känster inte borde räknas som 100%. Vi kan inte vara hemma. Om någon av oss är borta slutar allt funka. Vi har noll marginal.
Våld är vardag. Mellan eleverna, elev mot lärare och till och med lärare mot elev. Jag skulle skämtsamt kunna jämföra det med serien "OZ", fast det är inte kul.
Read 83 tweets
Jul 4th 2019
(1/5) From the opportunity to share our views on topical industry conversations to winning the award for the most innovative stand, it has been a productive and rewarding time at #NOG19.

#OandoAtNOG #NOG ImageImage
(2/5) Our GCE’s inspiring address of Oando’s survival despite economic downturns summed up the efforts and impact Oando plays in Nigeria’s economic development.

#OandoAtNOG #NOG #NOG19 Image
(3/5) Read our previous tweets to catch up on some key points from sessions over the past 4 days including @airune’s session on the independent producer’s role in spurring industrial development...

#OandoAtNOG #NOG #NOG19 Image
Read 5 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
(1/6) “We are at the crux of the fourth industrial revolution and gas is a pivotal ingredient for industrialisation. We’ll need two things for industrialisation; electricity and digitisation.
#OandoAtNOG #NOG #NOG19 Image
(2/6) We should be focused on the cost of not getting it right and some of the impact of not getting it right is, we will get left further behind and we will continue to borrow resources from versions of today’s IOCs in the industrial revolution...
#OandoAtNOG #NOG #NOG19 Image
(3/6) ...called International Digital Companies (IDC), who will own the intellectual property, data and lead us to the next revolution.”- COO, Oando Energy Resources @airune speaking on “The Independent Producers’ Role in Spurring Industrial Development"
#OandoAtNOG #NOG
Read 6 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
Currently ongoing: "Industry Leaders’ Panel: Maintaining Nigeria’s position as the Oil & Gas Investment Destination of Choice"

#OandoAtNOG #NOG #NOG19
On attempts being made to revise the regulatory framework to a one-stop shop all the IOC and the @NNPCgroup COO Upstream Rabiu Bello, agreed that it is best practise to have a single regulator that covers the commercial and technical aspect of the business.
#OandoAtNOG #NOG19 Image
"We have to be competitive otherwise we will be irrelevant we need to continually tackle managing our cost and have open dialogue on how we can reduce cost."- Paul McGrath, Chairman & MD, @ExxonMobil_NG on maintaining Nigeria’s position as the O&G investment destination of choice
Read 8 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
(1/9) Welcome to day 3 of the 18th edition of the #NOG conference. Yesterday, our GCE, @AdewaleTinubu, took the delegates on a journey of Oando’s growth, successes & challenges during his address on “The Evolution of Oando: Survival and Growth Strategies.”
#OandoAtNOG #NOG19 ImageImage
(2/9) “Oando has set out to achieve great things, we won a lot. We failed in some. Though we have divested from our naira earning businesses, we have built infrastructure in the sector that will continue to create value for the economy."- @AdewaleTinubu
#NOG #NOG19 #OandoAtNOG Image
(3/9) He commended the @NNPCgroup for supporting and partnering with the company through its evolution from a downstream company to an upstream company.

The Norwegian Ambassador to Nigeria, H.E. Jens-Petter Kjemprud (@NorwayMFA), in his goodwill message warned against...

Read 9 tweets
Jul 2nd 2019
(1/3) “This year's event comes with mixed feelings. Like many of you know I’ll be retiring from my position as GMD with effect from July 7. This event gives me that lifetime chance to bid goodbye to some of you who I’ve worked with through the...
#NOG19 #OandoAtNOG #NOG Image
(2/3) ...course of my career in the past 30decades.” - Outgoing GMD @NNPCgroup, @DrMKBaru giving a moving opening speech earlier today.

He also highlighted the achievement of the @NNPCgroup through the course of service of which include; paying down outstanding cash call...
(3/3) ... obligations, partnerships with both indigenous companies & IOCs in funding & execution of numerous projects.

We thank @DrMKBaru for his dedication and commitment to driving Nigeria's oil and gas industry towards sustained economic development and growth.
#OandoAtNOG Image
Read 3 tweets

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