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Apr 8th 2020
[Thread] MP @NadineDorries sends out a nauseating tweet yesterday. Some people reported seeing identical tweets from different accounts. Now some people disparagingly refer to this behaviour as "boomer twitter" copy and pasting. I tend not to buy that. What's weird is
2/ that one of the accounts to reportedly copy and paste it was @KeithSweety . If you search for his account on Twitter it has disappeared. So after a bunch of people questioned it the account disappeared. It was definitely a real account though.. Check out his bio...
3/ Not only is it unlikely Keith Sweet lives on the same street and had the same experience as Nadine, but I am not even sure he ever lived in the UK. Also a Vegan Life Advisor, and Motivational Speaker - I've never heard of him. Maybe Boris's fanbase is shifting...
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