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Sep 26th 2021
The seminarian philosopher and polymath Āqā-ye Ḥasan Ḥasanzāde Āmolī (b. 1307Sh/1928) passed away yesterday 25 September 2021 - a 🧵 on his life and works #ShiiPhilosophy #mysticism #ʿerfān #ḥekmat
As his name suggests, he was born in Āmol and began his seminary studies there and only moved to Tehran as a young man in 1950 to continue his studies 2/
In Tehran, he studied philosophy and mysticism with a major teacher at the Madrasa-ye Marvī, Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī Āmolī (1887-1971) best known for his work on #Avicennism and his glosses on Sharḥ al-manẓūme of Hādī Sabzavārī (d. 1873) 3/
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