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Mar 6th 2023
$TRKA Management now has everything it needs to deal the final deathblow to the short selling strategists. Open INterest is at an all-time high and public figures like @rogerhamilton, best known for his dedication to the #NakedShortsWar movement, point directly to the…

…intrinsic value of Troika Media Group. Since the 2021 IPO, the share price has been in a death spiral, losing value and even after the Converge deal, the share price failed to reflect the intrinsic value of the company. Sufficient forces have now joined to break…

…the resistance of short sellers, the breed of financial market participants who have no problem wiping out a company's existence to enrich themselves from the misery of others. These market participants do not need to be protected, because they consciously and…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
Wall Street is throwing everything at $GNS - Buy side trading limits, launching options trading, negative rumours (all we were warned of). Meanwhile, here's my $GNS shares: Printed certs, locked up, off market, out of hands of brokers & #NakedShorts. Hold strong. #NakedShortsWar
Anti-Short Tip 1: Get co. stock transfer agent to issue printed shares. So out of market / out of hands of shorts. $GNS agent is vStock. Don't leave your valuables in a bank vault if you don't trust the bank.
Anti-Short Tip 2: Second best is to DRS your shares via same stock transfer agent. So still electronic but out o hands of brokers. Here's how vStock explains the process:
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